The Morbid Chronicles of Camp Lame


Dear Diary, June 17, 2008

I'm here.
I'm actually at camp!

Right now I'm laying on my camp bunk (top, of course) that I'm sharing with Stephinie.
It's already decked out with my yellow blanket that's barely visible underneath all my pillows.

It's only eleven in the morning, yet it feels like it's been two days already!

This morning was a little chaotic and started at five o'clock.
I took a shower, got dressed (I'm wearing my red skinny jeans with my white v-neck and my dc's), did my make up, straightened my hair, then shoved my straightner and blow dryer in my trunk with Ella barking at me and Oscar purring around my ankles and Mom yelling at me to hurry up, then I had to drag my over-stuffed trunk down the steps and I forgot to tye my shoelaces so I fell because Oscar was pulling at them and I dropped my trunk on my toe so now I have a black and purple toe and then my trunk burst open, exposing my mother to all of the hidden items it possesed and then I had to listen to a lecture and then I cleaned up all my stuff and when Mom wasn't looking I stuffed it in my huge tulip hobo bag and slipped my sunglasses on my face and then shoved the trunk into the tiny backseat of the shadow and then chased Ella all around the street with the little neighbor boy screaming because he's deathly afraid of her, and then finally, finally I made it into the car with Mom, just to find out that I forgot this stupid book! Luckily, we were only at the top of the street so I ran down to the house and retrieved it. On my way back to the car, I slipt and tore a hole in my knee!

I tried to tell Mom that these were all bad signs, but she didn't listen.

When we made it to the YS gym, it was crowded with kids.
There was kids ranging from the ages 11-16 and they all were sitting on the bleachers.
There was so many kids that there was not any room left for me, so I just stood by Mom while we had to listen about being on our best behavors and all that bull.

Then I had to go and get my trunk and drag it over a big u-haul.
Then we all had to say goodbye to our moms and dads (Mom had tears in her eyes)
and we filled up two buses and we hauled booty out of there.

Now I'm -
♠ ♠ ♠
I've got a ton of schoolwork left, so i'll finish this chapter later.

feedback, please?!