The Morbid Chronicles of Camp Lame



Sorry, I would've finished, but 'resting time' was over, so I had to go and stand in a line
for forty-five minutes while they called out everyone's name to make sure we were all here, even though they've counted and called us like, ten times already. Then we ate sandwiches and now we're supposed to be getting ready to go to a beach! My beach towel and my green bathing suit are stuffed into my tulip bag. Sorry if my handwriting's getting sloppy, I'm in a rush because we've only got so much time.

So, after we got here, we had gathered around this really tall man with super short shorts -a man's version of cuchie cutters... so I guess they were 'weiner cutters' or whatever. His name is Mr. Dave. He told us about the rules (again) and then he called out our names (also again). He said that we all had to wear the name tags that we were given on during the meeting a week ago. Then we were divided up into three groups: red group, blue group, and green group. I'm in red. Guess who else's in red?

Yep, Paul.
Only I still haven't talked to him.
He's got blond hair, like Stephinie, and green eyes (also like Stephinie). He's tall, but not that tall; he's got to be taller then five ten, though, because I'm five nine. today he's wearing a gray wife beater and light jeans with holes in the knees. No earphones, though.
Stephinie's in the green group. I don't really know if I'm happy about this or not.

Boy was I wrong when I said there wasn't many cute guys!
There's lots!
But anyways, then we were assigned to our cabins. We dragged our trunks to them and then unpacked our bedding. There's two cabins for girls, two cabins for boys, and one cabin for the cooks and guards and whoever else have the privilege to boss us around.


There's this one guy named Jason, and he is so hot, I rated him an 8.9. the second I saw him. Seriously.
He's a life guard, and he's Mr. Dave's son. He does kind of look like his dad, but much hotter. He's got dark hair and deeply tanned skin.
I heard that his mom is Brazillian.
He's in the green group with Stephinie.

Okay, well, I'll write more later because the buses are getting ready to leave; I can smell them.

More tomorrow.

~Lotty M.
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did you know that (nearly) everyone in my story is based off of people i know?

if you're interested in finding out about the real people, comment me.
if i get enough comments, maybe i'll post some pictures and tell you about them...