The Morbid Chronicles of Camp Lame


Dear Book, June 18, 2008

Gosh, it's been super hectic.

Okay, I'll start with yesterday.
Yesterday at the 'beach' was pretty fun.
I met a bunch of people.

We had to ride the buses again for a good hour or so just to get to the beach (which was basically a lake with sand) and we had to take these swim tests or we had to wear a life jacket. Stupid Stephinie, Me, and her friend, Kayla, all chose to take a swim test.
There was two people instructing the swiming tests: Amy, a tan, (obviously) short, frizzy girl or (smokin' hot) Jason.
Amy was busy and Stephinie just wanted to wait, but I said, "what about Jason?"
Then she said, "Alright."
Then we walked over by him and stripped off our tops. I was wearing my gray tanktop and my yellow denim shorts. (Kayla kept on her shirt, though.) Stephinie had a hot pink two piece and I think Kayla was wearing a purple one piece.
Then Stephinie dove perfectly into the water and Kayla slowly eased her way in.
I did a cannon ball and got yelled at by Ms. Anita. I'll describe her later; I only have thirty minutes 'til I have to go.

We swam to Jason and asked if we could take the test with him.
He shrugged.
Did I mention that he has a six-pack?
Well, he does.

"We have to go a little deeper," he said, and started away a few feet away. He had a whistle resting on his chest and he had one of those red floaty-things that life guards always have.

we followed him and then he made us tread water with each hand above the water and we had to hold our breath for thirty seconds.
Stephinie got mad because her make up got all over her face and I laughed at her.
I thought I saw Jason snicker out of the corner of my eye but when I looked at him, his face was straight.
Since the test was over then we decided to swim away.
As we passed Jason to go a little deeper, I felt Stephinie tug at my strings that held together my top.

"Stephinie!" I cried, as I felt my top flying up.

"What?" she asked, (falsly) innocent.

"Didn't you just..." I yanked down my top and turned to Kayla.

"Would you tie my top?" I asked her.

I felt Jason's eyes on the back of my head while Kayla re-tied me.

"That was pretty mean," he said, in a deep voice to Stephinie.

"What? I didn't do it on purpose!" she cried, and swung her arms in the air to emphisis herself.

"I swear!" She screamed at Kayla, who was glaring, too.

"Oh well. I chose to wear this top," I said, trying to avoid an argument and not looking at anyone. My face was burning a little from Jason sticking up for me.

It didn't really bother me that much, I guess.
I mean, yes, it was a childish thing for Stephinie to do, but she really did do it on accident.

I think.

Oh well.
It's not the first time my top came un-done or was un-tied, honestly.

But anyways, then we swam around and started to play keep-away with these two hot guys named Zak and Sean. Zak's fairly tall and has dark, chocolate skin. He smiled easily and had very white, straight teeth. Sean was also black but he was super tall -like, six feet.

I'd throw it to Kayla, who'd throw it to Zak, who'd throw it to me, who'd throw it to Sean, who'd throw it to Stephinie, who'd throw it to Zak who'd throw it to Kayla who'd throw it to Sean who'd throw it to Zak who'd throw it to Stephinie who'd throw it to me and it went on like that until Zak threw it at me while I was 'adjusting' (a.k.a. picking out a wedgie) my bottom and it hit me on my unsuspecting head. I just laughed but Zak came over and acted like he knocked me out or something and he kept hugging me -not that it's a bad thing, though.

You know what I love the most about having a parent in the army?
That you've got people from all nations kind of just meshed into one place.
It's also a problem, though, because I live in the south.
Here, a lot of the black kids like to listen to rap -which isn't a problem, really.
But that does set us apart a bit, because they've got a different style from me and a few of my friends. It has nothing to do with tthe fact that they're black; it's the same as how the 'preppy' kids don't talk to the 'nerds'.

But anyways, then we had to get out because the counselors saw lightning.
The boys played football and some of the younger girls started to act like cheerleaders.
Gag me.

I met most of the girls today.

I'll just make descriptive paragraphs about them, because there's a lot and I still haven't met all of them. I met some of the girls today, too, so they're not all from yesterday.

Laurie Beth:
She's short and really pretty with a clear complexion and a nice tan with lots of freckles.
She's thirteen and she dresses 'scene' with hair bows and dark clothes mixed with super bright. It's really weird to see younger kids dressing like that. She kind of came off as a poser to me. She's in green group.

She's also short and very pretty with blonde hair.
She's Laurie's best friend and also dresses 'scene'.
She acts overly loud and tries to be random.
She seems more-so like a poser. She's in green group.

Oh gosh. She's a couple inches shorter than me, but god! She's toothpick-thin.
No joke. It has to be natural though because she eats more than me and Mom do put together!
She's hispanic and looks very preppy.
She has this totally unespected valley girl way of talking.
She's also younger. She's in red group i think.

She's (once again) also short and she's black.
She's hilarious and so funny that I almost wet myself while talking to her.
She's got really light brown eyes which look amazing next to her dark, creamy skin.
She has short weave in. She's in red group with me.

Samyatta's identical twin.
She's funny, too but not as funny as Sam.
The only way I can tell them apart is that Kim wears a super white hat.
She's in blue group.

She's as tall as me.
Some people get her confused with me (no idea why, the only thing we've got in common is our height and our brown hair). She's got a pointy bird nose and the thinnest lips I've ever seen. She's in green.

She's kind of strange... She's just moved here from New York and she wears weird clothes like at the beach she was wearing a looonnnngggg, light purple skirt and she has lonnngggg frizzy brown hair. She didn't swim. Instead, she ran around the volleyball net shrieking about her pet cat... Very strange... I don't know who's group she's in, but she's not in red... thank gosh...

Where to start with her?

I had to sit next to her on the bus... very strange. She's medium height and she's got long, ratty hair. She wears wal*mart skater shoes and wears lots of eyeliner in all of the wrong spots.
She had a lip ring on, which I found out later that it was fake.

She asked me, "Do you think this is gonna get like, infected or something?" She pointed to her lip ring.

"Not if you keep your head above water or if you've got cleaning pads," I said, staring at it.
I've seen them before, but not when the person's lips were so big.

"Oh well. I'll just pour hand sanitizer on it," she shrugged.

"You can't do that!" I said, wondering how dumb she really is.

"Um... Why not?"

"Because! Do you know how many chemicals are in hand sanitizer?!
" Enough to clean off ninety-nine point nine percent of the germs on your hands in fifteen seconds!" I shrieked, staring at her like she was mental.
But she just shrugged and started talking about how yesterday she wanted to 'cut'.
I'm like, dude... you're physico; but I didn't say it out loud.
I just turned to the window.

Crap! I forgot I was supposed to be telling you about all the girls!
Oh well, I've listed all of the ones that I've mostly been hanging out with.

Urgh, I haven't even told you about today yet!
Okay, today started at six o' clock.
Wait, I should start with last night.

Last night was horrible.
Tthe counselor who's in charge of our cabin's named Mrs. Jones.
She's a short lady that everyone calls 'Mama Jones'.
Everyone except for me.
She ain't my Mama!
Ha ha.

But anyways, she's like forty-seven, so she's going through some hot flashes.
The air conditioner was cranked down so low that I shivered the whole night.
We didn't even get into bed until twelve thrity, because they had to take like twenty trips to the bathroom and everyone had to get ready for bed and some people didn't make their beds and they had to get out their alarm clocks which they had to then put away because there are only two plug-ins and blah blah blah.
When we finally got into bed, it took like five minutes for everyone who felt like they had to say 'night' to everyone else. (Of course I didn't.)
I couldn't sleep; it was too quiet.
I could hear other girls whispering and some were snoring.
'Mama Jones' was tossing all night and snoring up the joint.

I ended up turning on my ipod and i finally, finally fell asleep around one.

And then, like I said, we had to wake up at six.
First, I heard like, twenty cellphone alarms going off; then I heard Mr. Wolf (A pale, tall, skinny, freckly man with ash blond hair and eyelashes) yell over the loud speaker "GOOD MORNING, CAMP WARRIOR! IT'S SIX-AH-CLOCK AND TIME FOR MORNING PT!"
Then he played some music.

So we had to- oops, it's time to go.
I'll try to write more later.

~Lotty M.
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Okay, this is by far the longest i've written.

check out my other story!!

oh, and feedback on either would be wonderful.