The Morbid Chronicles of Camp Lame



Okay, I'm sorry about just leaving before, but it was time for lunch.
Maybe I should describe the camp to the future me, just in case the tewnty-something pictures that I took somehow disappear or get burned or fall into a toilet.

The camp is really big.
There's a large log cabin that's used as a cafiteria, but I think they call it 'H.Q.' which stands for 'Head Quarters'. It's got a huge front porch and it's kind of on a hill, so as you walk along the ground, people's feet get higher and higher above you. Then there's the five cabins used for sleeping. The boys' cabins are west of H.Q. and behind the camp fire place. The girls' cabins are south of H.Q. and in front of the camp fire. It sounds pretty crowded, but trust me, it's quite a walk from my cabin (Cabin four) to the boys' cabins. Okay, maybe not a really long walk, but it's like walking across two four-lane streets.
Inside the cabins it smells like moth balls and (ours at least) twenty different types of girl.
You know what I mean, right?
I don't know what the boys' cabins smell like, but I'm sure it's not too pleasant.
H.Q. provides a kitchen so that's also where we eat. There are picnic tables outside, but there are lots of bugs here, so I don't eat out there.

Today's lunch was okay. We had macaroni and hotdogs with chips and fruit.
Since there are so many of us, we have to line up outside otherwise it's too chaotic and people can't walk to the long tables. (There are four, which makes me think of Harry Potter's Great Hall.) It would be so much easier if we could all just sit down and have the food magically appear in front of us.

Today at lunch I only had to wait for a few minutes.
Unfortunately, though, I some how found myself sitting next to Megan.
Today she's wearing a long green smock with blue leggings.

"Hello," she said, and holding out her hand, she said, "I'm Megan."

"Um, hi. I'm Lotty," and I lightly shook her hand. Instead of up and down, she shook her hand from side to side.
After I dropped her hand, she picked up her fork and bit into her red macaroni.
Red, you ask? That can't be right.

But it is.
She had poured ketchup on her macaroni; her poor hotdog was nearly black from pepper.

"Wow," I said, my eyes wide.

"Yes, I know. This ketchup is a little sweet," she admitted, and sprinkled some salt on it.

"Does.... Is that... are you okay?" I asked, trying to be nice.

"I'm fine. Would you like some?" She asked me, serenly. She had her hand on the ketchup bottle.

"No thanks," I giggled, but my laughter quickly turned to a cry of shock.
That crazy girl had poured ketchup on my macaroni!

"There. It should taste better," Megan said, and set the bottle inches away from her juice box.

"I thought it tasted just fine before! You've ruined my food!" I cried angrily, and stood up.
There was no way I was going to stay seated next to her. Picking up my tray, I glanced around me, looking for another place to sit.
There wasn't a single seat empty.
Fine, I'd just have to sit outside.
Turning my heel, I saw Megan wave to me from the corner of my eye.

I pushed through the double doors and was out of that joint.
Only one table was still vacant, and it was directly under a tree.

Sighing, I set my tray down and picked up my fork.

I was almost done with my food when Stephinie, Kayla, Laurie, and Paul emerged from H.Q., all carrying trays.
Seeing me, Stephinie waved and then they all headed towards me.

"Hey! I was looking everywhere for you!" Stephinie said, and laid her tray down. Kayla sat down next to her, and so did Laurie.
Paul came and actually sat down next to me!

"What happened to your mac and cheese?" Laurie asked, eyeing it with aprehension.

"Megan. She thought she'd try and spice it up a bit," I said glumily.

"That girl is so weird," Laurie said, and all of us (except for Paul) shook our heads in agreement.

"She's in green group with us," Laurie said.
Stephinie nodded.

"Today, while we were having our swim break, she went to the kiddie pool and sat down," Stephinie informed us.

Kayla shrugged and said, "So? I can understand that; the pool was a little crowded."

"Yeah, but wouldn't you want to take some friends with you?" Laurie asked, defending Stephinie.

"What friends?" Stephinie smirked.
They all laughed in agreement.

I started to feel a little sorry for Megan.
Okay, so she is a little weird, and yes. She did ruin my mac.
But this was getting to be a little mean.

"Guys, maybe we should be nice to her," I said quietly.

"You're kidding," Laurie stated.

"Whatever. Lotty, if you want to be nice to her, go ahead. I'm just letting you know now, though, that I'm not going to be sitting with her," Stephinie said, and shrugged.

"You guys are the ones who came and sat down by me!"

"And we can leave just as quickly!"

"That's enough!" Kayla inturupted.

"Guys, we should be nicer. And you know what? I like ketchup on my macaroni, too!" Kayla confessed.
I looked down at my tray.
Maybe it wouldn't taste too bad... I picked up my fork and poked a little noodle drenched in the thick, red sauce known as ketchup.
With all eyes on me, I stuck the fork in my mouth and chewed.
It wasn't bad at all -it was actually pretty good!
Grinning, I scooped up a huge amount and shoved it into my mouth.

"Delicious!" I cried in amazment, and started to laugh.
Paul started to laugh, too, and quickly everyone joined in, even Stephinie.
Then Erin came and squeezed between Laurie and Kayla.
She started to whisper into Laurie's ear, and I heard a small sniffle come from her.
Laurie quickly turned to face her friend, and together they left with Erin staring at the ground.

"What was that all about?" I asked, concerned.

"No idea, but I hope she doesn't think I'm putting up her tray," Stephine said.

"I'll do it" I said.

We all stood up and dumped our trays in the slot.
Then we all went our seperate ways.

Me and Paul had to go and line up with the rest of Red Group while Kayla and Stephinie headed to the cabin to finish Green Group's break. We found out that Red Group had to clean the bathrooms. Eck.

You know what?
I still haven't hear Paul say a single word since.. well, since ever! (If that make sense...)

Okay, well, I've got to go.
I've been hiding in this little stall long enough; it's time to face my fear and get cleaning.

~Lotty M.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, Stephinie's a little cranky today, huh?

~ jordin n.
