The Morbid Chronicles of Camp Lame


Dear book, June 19, 2008

I read back everything I've written so far in here, and I'm not very discriptive and I don't explain things very well. What bothered me the most about all that I've written is when I said that Laurie and Erin. I described them as 'slight posers'. I'm going to explain why.
I'm not punk or anything, I'm just me. I dress whoever I feel, and, most of the time, it's comfy. They kind of dress all scene, but it's almost like they do because nowadays it's 'cool' to be so. Y'know? Not that they really are, just that they want attention and want to fit in. Like, I'm not judging all of the truly scene or punk people out there. It just seems like they're false.

Okay, moving on, I'll describe a basic day in my ordinary life with Mom.
Then I'll move to an ordinary camp day.

(Ordinary day)

7:00 am: Wake up, get ready for school, get forced to eat Mom's gross cooking.
7:30 am: Wait for stupid bus.
8:00 am: Arrive at school.
3:45 pm: Arrive home from stupid bus.
4:00 pm: watch tv or hang out with Glenda and Ashleigh or play with Ella or go somewhere or play on the computer or play Wii.
6:00 pm: Eat gross super.
7:00 pm: Start stupid homework.
9:00 pm: finish homework, get ready for bed, read.
10:00 pm: Sleeping.

(Camp Day)

5:45 am: Get woken up by thrity cellphone alarms.
6:00 am: Forced to get up by Mr. Wolf's stupid announcement.
6:30 am: Should be finished with waking up and forced to either walk, run, play volleyball or soccer for morning P.T. (I always choose walking)
7:00 am: Sit around waiting for breakfast. Could take a shower, talk, or anything that you basically want to do.
8:00 am: Breakfast is served.
8:45 am: stand in line according to group color while waiting for Mr. Dave to figure out today's activities.
9:00 am: Break off according to which group you're in and start activities.
12:00 pm: Lunch and break.
1:00 pm: Start Activities again.
5:00 pm: Finish activites and move onto free time.
6:00 pm: Supper.
7:00 pm: Whole camp activities.
9:00 pm: People just kind of drift to their cabins because it gets to be really dark.
11:00 pm: is supposed to be 'lights out' but lights don't usually go out until around one.

Urghhhh!!!!!!!!! I've got to go.
I promise I'll figure this all out by tonight; we got to go and do atl-atl with Mr. Mark. (I'll explain later!)

~Lotty M.
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i haven't updated this for a while.
like the new layout?
i like this font better because it looks like real handwriting.
check out my other story!!!

~jordin n.