Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

She Cant Let Go...

"And she'll be right here in my arms so in love," Jerry yelled out loud waking me up out of my peaceful sleep.

"Young man if you don't keep your words to yourself I'll put you into detention for a month!" Miss welsh exclaimed. Ah, what every child wants to hear upon waking up, a tempermental teacher.

Yeah today was one of those rare days we actually decided to come to school, but we were really regretting it.

"But miss! Its a good song, and this is boring and HALF the fucking class is asleep," Jerry whined. Head butting the table. Gosh he is a random child.

"That’s it, out, all of you NOW!" Miss Welsh screamed. Some one's on there periods
Suddenly DUN DUN DUNN... there was a knock at the door...

Miss Welsh stomped over to answer it while Cindi and Jerry pulled faces at her back while packing up their stuff.

I followed cue.

Like fuck was I going to be left here while they roamed the streets

"Um this is for Jadiah Grace," the young boy in about year 7 said

"Uh oh, who's dead?" I asked standing up and slinging my attacked shoulder bag across my shoulder. Ah, the joys of letting your hyper best friend lose with a Sharpie

"Your mother says to come home immediately it’s an emergency" Miss said not caring if the whole class heard. What a bitch, I should bitch slap her.

"Oh that’s all?" I asked heading towards the door with everyone else behind me.

"Yes now get out" Miss Welsh said.

As I walked out last she slammed the door. We headed down to the front office to get our skateboards. Yeah we skate but we don't show off about it. On the way home we talked about what could be wrong with my slut of a mother.

"Maybe she ran out of condoms and she needs you to pick some more up," Danni said skating beside me.

"Not a chance, she basically has a fucking cupboard full of them. She can't run out that fast!" I said stopping for the traffic light.

Yeah we live in the city. Chatswood, Sydney to be exact. Only Good things are the amount of place you can hide and skate, but only at night it’s more fun that way.

After 10 Minutes of skating, we finally reached my house and saw a rental car in the driveway.

"Can we destroy?" Jerry asked with a massive smile on his face. He strives on destruction.

"Lets find who owns it first," I said kicking open the door with a smirk on my face.

Hearing all the commotion my mother came scrambling out of the kitchen, dressed in basically Hooker clothes. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

"Stop destroying everything! I have to pay for that you know,” she yelled as I was pulling off my heartagram beanie. Yeah I love HIM

"I care why?" I asked dropping my skateboard and kicking off my shoes. I walked into the kitchen and saw someone who looked strangely familiar sitting in one of the chairs,

Shrugging, I went over to the fridge and grabbed out 6 cans of red bull. Then hightailed it to my room. Upon opening the door it was a sight to see it empty.

"What. The, Fuck?" I said slowly I turned around and punched the wall, and stomped down the stairs.

I hated people touching my stuff without my permission.

"Oh so you noticed?" Carmen said as I was walking up to her. I grabbed her by the throat and threw against the wall.

"Where is it?" I asked slowly as I strengthened my grip.

Jerry pulled me off of her and held me back. I would never hurt him.

He knew I was sick off mums shit. He went threw almost the same thing with his parents.

"Its in the back of the rental car. Jadiah this is your father Brandon better known as Bam,” she said waving her hand towards the guy.

I gave him a nod to signify that I was aware of his presence.

"Your a fucking bar slut you know that I hope you choke one day bitch." I said glaring at my mother I turned to Bam " When do we leave?"

"Um whenever your ready I guess" he said sounding scared. I let out a low chuckle.

"Awesome lets go" I said walking into the lounge room

"We know your leaving and don't worry we'll visit soon we promise. Jerry's got an aunt in West Chester. She died and left him the house so we'll be over soon" Danni said hugging me. How the fuck did they know before me?

I grabbed my beanie and shoes and board and walked out of the house climb threw the window into the car and gave the guns to my clan members (a.n. its a Jeff Hardy thing).
On the way to the airport Bam wanted to know the basics about me.

"Just out of curiosity what’s your full name? I'd need to know this kinda shit if your going to be living with me"

"Jadiah Monique Louise Ann Grace or Margera."

"How old are you?" was his next question

"I am 16 but that doesn't stop me drinking."

"Do you currently go to school?" he asked... What a dumb question its midday, in June and I'm out roaming the streets...take a hint!


"So why do you hate your mum?" he asked fearing my answer.

"Because she made me like this. I was never good enough for her and I never will be,” I answered looking out the window, giving the finger to people looking at me funny

"I like the whole Gothic thing. I reckon it’s really awesome. I got introduce you to some people I know." Bam said getting excited. Literally he was bouncing in his seat.

"Like who" I said finally looking at him with a weird look on my face.

" HIM..." my heart skipped a beat ". 69 eyes, The Rasmus, Slayer... hmmm and a whole lot of others," he said.

"Your willing to let me, the metal freak, meet one of the best metal bands ever A.K.A Slayer?" I asked with a look of surprise.

"Yeah why?"

"No reason," I answered
♠ ♠ ♠
I have to re-edit all of this story cause it got fucking reported!!
K@y to the rescue!!