Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

In My Arms We'll Both Sleep Safely

After the entire lot cookies had ' disappeared' we all took off to different areas of the house, to do things before the party.

Jerry and I headed upstairs, where as soon as i walked in i closed the door, keeping jerry out as I got changed. I got dressed into hardy-boyz mini skirt, a teddy scares tee, neon green stockings, and a pair of Demonia charades. Hey I’m not freakishly tall you know.

I walked over to the door and opened so jerry could come in

“I’m doing your make up, you demonic whore” he said walking over to my box of make up and walked and pushed me on the bed.

“Eye’s closed,” he said and I followed his instructions. After about two minutes he announced that he was done I walked over to the dressing table and looked at my make up.

I looked fucking hot!

“Jerry, are you gay?” I asked in a joking manner

“ Well… Actually…” he said turning his head away from me and blushing

“No way! Get fucked! Horse Radish!” I yelled. My brother/ best friend was fucking gay.

“ I wanted you to be the first person I told,” he said with a slight blush. I couldn’t see anything other to do then crash tackle him.

So I did.

As we were lying side by side, I had to ask.

“What’s his name?” I saw Jerry’s eyes light up when I asked this

“Derek he’s 18 and a complete fucking hottie. We’ve been together a month” he said with a hint of dreamy-ness in his voice

“But you were with Cindi so your bi’ right?” I asked. I was generally confused.

“ Cind’s was an… experiment. I wanted to see if I did swing both ways. Well it turns out I don’t. We broke up two months ago and she’s been stalking me ever since.” He said doing my favourite hobby; staring at the ceiling.

“Yo Jade…Jerry! Get he fuck down here. LETS GET THIS FUCKING PARTY STARTED!” Bam hollered through the house

Jerry crawled off the bed and held out his hand to help me up.

An hour into the party

Bam was drunk.

Ville was drunk.

Jussi was drunk.

Jerry was drunk…
ok everyone was drunk,
even ape and Phil were drunk, everyone but me.

Bam really knows how to throw an "I finally got my daughter back from that whore’ party, well that’s what the custom banner said so that’s what I’m calling this party.

I sat next some guy called Tim … fuck! I can’t remember his last name! When Gerard/ Emo overlord came waltzing towards me.

Damn! Why cant he still be an alcoholic so I can punch him and he wouldn’t remember it?

“Jade can we… uh… have a chat? I need a decent conversation with someone who’s not drunk and its seems you’re the only person here that isn’t” he said scratching the back of
his neck

“Whatever” I sighed. I hope he doesn’t think that we’ll be … kind to each other. If he did, my godfather, he had another thing coming. I wonder who my godfather is?

“Listen I was wondering if like… ya know… we could start over…new? Because you seem like a very…interesting person?” he kinda said scratching the back of his neck again.

That Tim guy got up and walked away at this point. I started faintly singing along to ‘dawn of the dead’. I looked at him kinda funny then finally sighed a ‘ I guess’

“So…uh…” he started but I had to cut him off just to be a bitch.

“What with all the emo shit? And why are you in a dispute with Marilyn Manson? Do you know how much your popularity and fame would fucking sky rocket if you two did a song together?” I blurted out.

“Um I don’t really have an answer for any of them.” He mumbled

“Ok then” I said getting and walking through the house to the front door and laying on the grass and staring at the sky

“It’s a nice sky here in west Chester,” a voice said from beside me. I turned my head slightly and saw a guy with shaggy black hair with red tips; heavy eyeliner rimmed ice blue eyes and just plain hot.

“ I’m Hades. Yes I know it’s the Greek name for the devil, but my mum’s a dope whore what do you expect?” he said with a smile

“ I’m Jadiah but please call me jade and don’t worry my mum is a bar slut” I said staring back at the sky.

This makes me miss my ceiling. I want my ceiling now I bet it feels missed out.

“So your Bam's daughter?” he asked looking at my face, I guess trying to see if I looked anything like bam.

“ Why yes, yes I am” I said a little bit spaced.

“Well miss jade do you mind I have your phone for a moment?” he asked like a gentleman. I guess chivalry didn’t die altogether.

I pulled my phone out of my bra and handed it to him. He pressed a few buttons and gave it back to me. He then took out his phone and pressed a few more button.

He was stealing my phone number grr, I oughta hurt him but I’d rather not.

“Now I am going to stalk you Jade,” he said with a laugh. “ And I am also hoping you would allow me to take you out on a date sometime in the near future”

“ I don’t fucking think so!” came Bam’s slurred voice from the doorway. “Nah just kidding Hadessss *hiccup* you can take her out all you fucking want, hell! You can even get her pregnant if you wanted to! I don’t care! Whoa shit who put that there?” bam said stumbling a bit.

“ I have to help you up the fucking stairs don’t I?” I asked putting my head in my hands. Believe it or not; I’m embarrassed.

“Not as much as you have t help jerry he’s frucking blind jezza aren’t ya?”

“ I’m going to leave you be miss jade, if Bam’s drunk that means I have to help my friend home, I call you later yeah?” he asked

“ Yeah ok” I said with a slight smile. Hades walked off leaving me to struggle with a blind drunk bam and jerry.

♠ ♠ ♠
ha that was a cunt of a chapter to typed considering i haven't been to.. imaginative at the moment.
anyways i fucking updated wooo! party at my crib
Have. An. Evil. Day
Additional note:
this is what hades looks like
and this is what jadeykins looks like:
HA just incase you were wondering... if you dont like than use you flicking imag-i-nation