Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

You Had Demons To Kill

As I rolled out of bed that morning, yes I rolled.

I was to fuck damn lazy to get out of bed normally.

I heard ville waking up and groaning "shouldn't of fucking drank so much". i giggled at the thought of what Bam and Jussi must be like.

Actually I didn't giggle, I nearly pissed myself with laughter.

I walked down stairs, after my laughing fit had ended, to see everyone (minus emo overlord/ Gerard) in the pirate bar holding their heads.

Oh revenge is fucking sweet.

Revenge for what you ask?

Absolutely nothing. I just feel like being a bitch

"Good morning Castle Bam residents!" I shouted making everyone groan. I laughed evilly as I walked over to make a coffee

"Ha ha see why i quit drinking?" Gerard said. I guess I should calling him by his name now we did kinda called truce.

But I'm not the kinda person for peace for too long so it wouldn't last

After my glorious beverage was finished and I drunk half of it in one mouth full I could hear my phone going off in my room.

I don't have super human hearing just an extremely loud ring tone.

I casually walked up stairs careful not to spill my coffee, I noticed that someone had cleaned up Bam's puke from the night before.

No doubt it was ape.

As I walked into my room my ring tone was heard again.

"Hello?" I answered without looking at caller ID.

"Hey Jade!" came the overly hyper voice of Hades.

"Thats right you said you were going to stalk me, good boy for sticking to your word" I said and laughed a bit then looked for my smokes. I know they're around here somewhere.

"I was wondering what you were doing to day so I could make my schedule of when to follow you. Nah I'm kidding but, what are you doing today?" Hades asked and laughed a melodic laugh.

"Don't you have a girlfriend you can stalk instead of me... Ha found you's! Trying to fucking hide from me!" i replied. As you guessed; yes I did find my smokes.

I got off the floor, mind you I'm still in my PJ's and walked downstairs, outside then 'plonked' into a chair. I lit up and continued talk to Hades about absolutely nothing.

"Well fuck damn miss Jade I have to go to work now. But I'll text you sometime today, cool?" He asked

"Awesomeness" I said taking a drag of my smoke.

"Bye Jade!" This kid was really hyper all the time.

"Bye hades" I said back then went upstairs and got changed.

Apparently i was getting a tattoo, well thats what Bam told me.

I can't wait now!
♠ ♠ ♠
hello ladies/gents... which ever gender reads this damn story
yes my wifey will be adding some chapters soon... i just dont know when. My nets about to be cut off so i dont know when the next update is going to be. i dont even update all that often anyways lolage.
i'm thinking about making jade going to school but that in the maybe list so it probably wont happen but if you think i should comment and tell me!
next chapter there will be a pic of the tattoo that jade is getting.
Have. An. Evil. Day