Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

And Your Getting Two Thumbs Up

I was sitting in the kitchen eating a tub of ice cream that had:' BAMS DON'T TOUCH!' written on it.

"What are you eat...are you eating my fucking ice cream?" Bam asked walking down the stairs and stopping in front of me

“Uh ... uh .... Hey are MCR still here?" I asked forming a plan inside my head
"Yeah they are but don’t change the fucking subject why are you eating my ice cream" bam asked again punching his fist into the bench top

“It wasn't me it was the short one" I yelled grabbing my, well Bam's, ice cream and making a run for it

" get the fuck back here Jadiah monique uh.. WHAT EVER YOU FUCKING FULL NAME IS!" Bam yelled chasing after.

I ran passed the small one... Frank I think his name is, and dropped the ice cream in his lap.

“Told you it was the short one told ya! Look he's even holding the evidence" I yelled as frank tried to take a spoonful of the ice cream. I slapped his wrist, grabbed the ice cream and made a dash for my bedroom. I passed ville on the stairs and he gave me thumbs up.

When I walked into my room and found Anna screaming into my pillow.

I leaped into my room, closed my door then slid up against it. Ana lifted her head from the pillow with really red cheeks

“Do you realize how much I love you right now? In a non lemon way?" Ana said

“Ice cream?" I asked offering her the tub.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah its short get over it. i'm supossed to be getting really drunk right now. its molly's birthday.
anyways time to stop being anti-social
Have. An. Evil. Day