Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

... Begging For More...

"Oh I see you crawl you can barely walk but you keep begging for more,” I sang as we were waiting for the plane while rolling my board from foot to foot and chewed on my lip ring. I do that when I'm bored.

"OK this is just fucking ridiculous how long is this shit going to take?" I asked getting impatient

"Well its another hour till we board" Bam said with a sigh looking at my board as if it were money and he was a hobo on the street

"Fuck this can I have ten dollars?" I asked standing up and kicking my board up so I could carry it

"What for?" Bam asked back staring at my board again

"C-o-f-f-e-e i live off of it plus i need a smoke coming?" I asked taking the ten dollars of him
"Can I ride your board?" he asked with hopeful eyes. Who could resist?

"You break it your buying me another one understood?" I asked sounding serious. He actually looked a bit scared. I laughed at his expression

"OK dude seriously I have 3 other boards this one is just lucky and I'm what? 16 and your scared of me?" I passed him the board and he gave me the ten dollars and ran off to skate.

I skipped-yes I skipped- towards the mini shop they had at the airport, the coffee may of been foul tasting but I REALLY needed it. After purchasing the foul coffee wanna-bee beverage I skipped to wards the exit and saw a group watching Bam skate. I took the opportunity to light up and inhale some stress away and hopefully relax a bit.

After Bam finished skating outside security chased us on suspicion, it was time for our plane to board

"Good afternoon passengers this is your pilot speaking thank you for choosing Qantas and we hope you choose to fly with us again" was heard through out the entire plane

"I reckon that was pre-recorded and the really pilot is really a creepy old fuck who wears his pants under is armpits" Bam said making me snort out the rest of my coffee. This flight was going to be fun.

-->FF after plane trip-->

"Jade welcome to West Chester PA!" Bam said overly excited.

"Coffee" I groaned and slamming my board down so I didn't really have to walk. I didn't get far. Stupid crowded airport.

"APE! PHIL! DID YA MISS ME?" Bam yelled in the middle of a crowded airport. No not suss at all. Not one bit. I noticed the cameras behind the people running towards us. FUCK!

America knew I was coming before I did.

Ape and Phil came walking over to us calmly but no one noticed Dico come over to pounce on Bam and confess his un-dying love.

"Oh boys please not in public" Ape said then turned to me "Hello dear you must be Jadiah I'm April but you can just call me Ape my oh my haven't you grown up" she said gasping. Then it was Phil's turn

"Hey there you the last time I saw was when you were really young about a week old" Phil said pulling me into a massive bear hug.

OK I didn't know if it was just me, but I felt REALLY awkward. Hey you would to meeting you grandparents who you have seen in about 16 years and then having your grandfather basically squeeze you to death.

"Jade this is the person I wanted you to meet the most my Fiancée Missy" Bam said with a MASSIVE smile on his face. I noticed the cameras really close.

"Hello it's nice to meet you" I said sticking out my hand for her to shake but instead she also pulled me into a hug.

"Bam has been so excited about seeing his little girl again" she whispered in my ear. The camera was so god damn close I bet you could see every hair follicle on my head.

"OK seriously I need a REALLY strong coffee and my board back please,” I said trying to get it off Bam but he chucked it to Ape.

" Not till we get home now Dico go get Miss Grace's luggage" Bam said slapping Dico over the head

--> To castle Bam-->

"Come on you room is this way," Bam said leading me up the stairs and opened a door "OK you stationed here. Now next door to you is the room that Wille Walo always sleeps in when he's here which will be in a few days... so I hope you like Finnish men that smell like fucking daisies," he turned and walked down the stairs " yo Ape! I'm hungry what’s for dinner!"

"Fucking great even my favorite band knew I was coming before I did"...
♠ ♠ ♠
K@y to the rescue!
Another chapter... alot more to go...FUCK!