Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

Take A Look At My Girlfriend

After staying up all night not being able to sleep and just being in an all round foul fucking mood, I decided I'd make myself happy in my own special. I think its time for the pots and pans parade. Never heard of it? I'll explain then.

The pots and pans parade as the name may suggest is about pots and pans. You place on pot on your head and take a frying pan in one hand and a wooden or metal spoon, which ever is noisiest, and run around the house screaming "were all members of the pots and pan parade!' while bashing the frying pan and spoon until you've caused everyone else in the house to get up and attempt to kill you with anything in arms reach. A truly genius way to make yourself feel better.

I decided because Missy didn't deserve it I'd wake her up before hand and she can be my accomplice.

When i softly woke her up, she was more than happy to help me feel better. After choosing our helmets we grabbed our weapons and proceeded to be evil.

"We’re all members of the pots and pans parade!" we yelled waking up Bam. In response he covered his head with his pillow and rolled over grumbling.

I jumped on his bed and continued singing as Bam finally gave in and just fell out of bed. OK I'm lying i kicked him out of bed. Literally. Missy and i ran off into Dico room and repeated our attack. In half an hour we'd been told to fuck off, to go fuck the doorknob, and had several objects launched at us. Truly one of the best ways ever to wake a household up. Uncle Jess didn't like being woken up like that too much. But oh well fuck him.

"Jade I'm going to get you back for that when you are least expecting it" Dico said holding his head in his hands.

"You can try bitch. Just remember i guarantee repercussions if you do" i said sipping my coffee and smiling at him evilly to say ' i mean it as well'

“Jade if you are EVER going to do that again make sure I'm a part of it." Raab said. Yeah most of them still lived with Bam. The fucking free loaders. I laughed evilly. Next time I'm going to do I'll antique him at well then drag him into the pool why? No fucking reason. Plus you can't ask to be a part of the pots and pans parade you have to be specially chosen.

"Hello residents" Liss said to announce hers and Gr!m's presence, as they walked down the pirate bar stairs. Why does everyone always seem to congregate in the Pirate Bar? It’s fucking weird.

" Were here to steal jade for the day so bam give her some fucking money or I’m going to shiv you in the neck with a pitchfork" Liss threatened. What an awesome fucking threat!

Surly enough bam opened his wallet off the counter and handed me.. $250!!!! Fuck yeah.

"That a good bam." Liss said laughing. Her and Gr!m dragged me up the stairs, seeing as i was already dressed i didn't worry much.

Let the shopping begin
♠ ♠ ♠
with arms wide open you keep begging for more.
hello fuckers.
i decided you guys deserved a chapter why? because i've had half a bottle of vodie and i'm feeling generous.
Have. An. Evil. Day