Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

I Wanna *** A Fin Man

After we had all scrambled off the plane at Helsinki all of the teenagers screamed the same thing at Bam; COFFEE!

Bam was slightly taken back at our outburst but all the same gave in and handed us the money to buy our desired drinks.

As soon as i saw ville i screamed, but with my mouth shut, because it was filled with coffee. I ran over and pounced on him. Flying hugs anyone?

Ville laughed as i finished hugging him then kicked Bams red bull out of his hand. Yes I'm that talented...I'm secretly a ninja, but don't tell anyone.

" Hey are those Wednesday’s dreads?" Ville asked me staring at the red dread locks in my hair.

" Would you believe me if i said no?" i asked trying to hide my smile. It’s true they're Wednesdays. I stole them just before he left. I don't think he's noticed yet or he has more than one set. But i know for sure that these are his favorites. Sophie doesn't know they're Wednesdays or she'd try to have sex with them. She’s that obsessed.

"Oh my gosh your Ville Fucking Valo!" Sophie exclaimed walking up beside me and of course scaring me. Why am i so jumpy?

"Well that’s what my I.D says" ville said pulling out his wallet and showing Sophie his driver’s license. I sneaked a peek and fell to the floor from laughter. Ville looked nothing like what he usually does. Sophie was next to me also laughing her arse off. I haven't laughed this much since i saw Marilyn Manson without his make up for a mug shot. It took me three weeks to get over that.

" You didn't laugh that much when you saw it" Ville said to bam. Our laughing fit had finally end by the time we reached the hotel. We looked at Bam funny when his pocket starting sing then me and Sophie fell into another laughing fit, because Bams ring tone was don’t fear the reaper, which made the both of us think of ville drivers license again.

" This is going to be a long trip" missy mumbled shaking her head.

And we only just got here
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another chapter for ya.