Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

You Wanna Rock?! Nothings Gonna Make You Stop...

I thought it might be smart to get all of my stuff out of the back of the hummer.

I went to walk out then noticed the ' What the fuck does she own?' coming from downstairs
Then realized they were on their way up with my stuff.

I would have to let it pass just this time.

"Holy shit your like what 16 and you own this much shit!" Dunn asked sitting my stuff on the floor with a groan.

"Dude I lived in Sydney the biggest city in Australia and it had a lot of underground Gothic stores, of course I own a lot of shit,” I said looking through the boxes and started unpacking.
Oh and in case I forgot to mention the room was a beautiful shade of purple with a yup you guessed it, black heartagram painted on the far wall, with a double bed with a satin black doona cover. It was exactly how I would of imagined my room.

"Hope this is decent enough for you to live in we can get some paint for later if you want," Bam said from behind me and a camera in trail. Fuck I hate cameras!

"It actually a beautiful colour purple and the black heartagram adds to it" I said picking up the poster's that the boys brought up and started pulling them out of the packaging, found the always handy blue-tack and started sticking up my posters one by but none on the heartagram wall, that was going to be the main feature and a sign of my love of H.I.M

"Wow you have a lot of Cd's" Bam said looking through the boxes.

"Shit how did you get this its impossible to get this exact CD!" Bam said holding up your Charon CD.

"Lucky I guess" I said putting up the last poster. My cradle of filth damnation and a day poster

"You got a lot of cool shit ya know? Like them posters how'd you get them all?"

"Sanity and eBay mainly but the hardest on to get was that Jeff Hardy one" I said sitting on the bed and taking off my shoes and pointing at the random poster.

"Wrestling fan?" Bam said excitedly (its that even a word?(yes)).

"Nope," I said looking at him and seeing the sadness in his eyes, "Wrestling maniac."

"Hell yes! Now I have someone to go to the wrestling with,” Bam said jumping on the spot.

"I can do three better... I can get backstage," I said lying down with my head over the edge of the bed. I prepared myself for his reaction.

"HOW!" Bam yelled dive-bombing the bed. I expected it to be something like that or a preppy fan girl reaction. If it was the second I would have no other choice but to slap him.

"Carmen was screwing Phil Brooks (CM punk) a while back so I took the time to get to know him and some other wrestlers like Matt hardy," I said shrugging.

"HOLY SHIT YOU KNOW MATT HARDY?" Bam yelled. I'm going to go deaf. I swear.

"And Rey Mysterio," I mumbled.

"OK I heard yelling what's going on?" Missy said from the door way with camera following her.

"She knows Matt hardy! And she can get us backstage at wrestling! HOW AWESOME IS THIS!" Bam said standing up and jumping on the bed half way through his yelling fit, while Missy came and sat down on the bed.

"Bam get off of her bed and out of the room I want to get to know her,” Missy said.

Bam leaped off the bed and downstairs yelling random things.

"So I take it I shouldn't mention wrestling in front of him ever again?" I asked looking at her as she seemed like she was acting she liked me.

"Na just not the backstage part," Missy said laughing, "Holy shit you have some nice shoes you know that?" she mentioned noticing my open suit case with various shoes that I had either bought or stolen of people.

"Mhm and they cost me a fair bit,” I said back

"Well do you want to come and help me with dinner?" she asked.

"If I burn something it wasn't me," I said sitting up and headed down stairs.
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as of then you'll worry no more - peroxwhy?gen
i love Jeff hardy. and Ville Valo (or in bams case Wille Walo)