Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

She's A Dwelling place For Demons

I was sitting in my first class which was some bull shit i wasn't even paying attention. The teacher smelled like stale chips and really bad aftershave. His name? I'd have no idea

" Well Miss uh... Margera-" there were a few gasps when the name Margera was said. Over dramatic twits. "Can you tell me what the...." at this point i just zoned out again

"MISS MARGERA!" he said hitting his hand on my desk making the person next to me slightly giggle. Her name was Hennalest, but she's better known as Helena. She reminded me a lot of Hades.

" Answer my question!" he demanded showing the front half of his teeth, which were really rotten, i gagged a little.

Unfortunately this was the only class i didn't have with either of the girls.

" 1896. Can you leave now? Your teeth are repulsing me and Jade here" Helena answered. I looked over and gave her a smile of thanks. She winked at me and continued text from beside her.

" Hey you know Hades right?" she leaned over and asked me as i was attempting to chew off my hand. Don’t ask me why, but when you’re bored you'll do anything to entertain yourself.

" Yeah why?" i replied looking at her a little funny

" He said he's sorry for not talking to you before school started. But he also demands that you sit with us at lunch, with your friends of course" was her answer. I wondering what her relationship with Hades was, when i was called on again by Mr. Grey teeth. Yup that’s his new name. I said so.

"Tell me Miss Margera when was the battle of Hastings?" he asked. Fuck i hate being called Miss Margera! "

" You’re the teacher why don't you tell me? Oh and can you stop calling me Miss Margera it seriously pisses me off!" i said raising my voice.

" That’s you and Hennalest go to principal’s office...NOW! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? AN INVITATION?"

" Yes actually" was Helena's reply.

Me and Helena pack up our shit and walked to the office.

" So how do you know Hades?" i asked hoping i was going to get a disappointing answer.

"The fucking drop kick is my twin brother. I'm the better looking half though" she joked. I gave a slight sigh of relief and we headed inside the office thingy to wait for the principal to see us.

Meanwhile at castle Bam (in Missy's p.o.v)

"Man I'm so fucking bored" bam groaned as he hit Raab with the rubber band again. I know how bam is feeling it was so weird without jade screaming through the house claiming that someone was going to kill her. Or making a smart assed response to something. The phone ringing sounded through the house while bam and Raab looked at me as if to say ' I'm not answering that'. I got up with a sigh and picked up the receiver

"Hello?" i answered

" Hello this is Mrs. sharp. I calling about Jadier-" i could her jade call in the background 'its Jadiah ah! Say it with me Jadiah' i gave off a soft giggle at this.

"She was being repeatedly disruptive in class then continued to swear at a teacher. We need someone in to pick her up seeing as she's suspended for a week." the principal said in a serious tone. I lost my self control then. I burst out laughing for what seemed like hours when , finally , Bam came and took the phone off me, to talk to the principal.

the last thing i heard of that conversation was "well i guess her new friend can come as well... i know she going to be rich and famous just like me and she'll never think of you cunts twice. I'll be in later tell her to go find the other two and they can come chill here.... i know this isn't a laughing matter but you said yourself she was going to turn out just like me. And I’m rich and famous so nerr!" bam said hanging up the phone.

"I think she just beat my record" bam said helping me off the ground and pulling me into a hug.

" Do you want to go in or should i?" he asked with a straight face. I lost it again and fell down in laughter.

" I’ll take it that i should go" he said picking up his keys and heading out the door. I heard the lambo start as i started laughing again.
♠ ♠ ♠
wow two in one night. i'm freakin spesh. and incase nobody really clicked on i making myself Helena. becuase i decided i wanted in on this story.
"you dont play guitar with your neck bro' play it with you bum bum" Synyster Gates
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