Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

Who's That Girl?

. "First day and your already fucking suspended. I am truly proud" Bam said as we walked out of the schools front doors. Yes Bam had met Helena, he instantly caught on that she was Hades sister

" So life likes Hades sister what’s that like?" Liss asked.

"He’s a hyper freak. But i love him. Just wish he'd clean up around the apartment more ya know?"
Helena replied.

OK i want to feel like a reporter now and tell you a bit about Helena, well what i knew already

She had to be the most understanding girl i knew. Both she and Hades refuse to tell me there last name. So that's still a mystery. She considered a loser around school but knows a shit load of rock stars. She’s toured with avenged sevenfold, fall out boy and slipknot, as a sound tech. she misses a lot of school because of her job, as does Hades, because they're both soundies. He failed to mention that one.

"I call shotgun!" K@y yelled shoving bam out of the way.

"Fucking random much?" i muttered. Climbing over the chair into the back seat next to Helena.

"Guys I'm going to go annoy Gr!m. so I'm going to love ya's but leave ya's. See y'all later!" Liss yelled walking away from the lambo.

"Hell is there a specific spot you need to go?" Bam asked for once in his life acting like a responsible adult.

"I don't care she's about to say she's coming back to the castle and that’s final." i growled as K@y changed the CD to Dark light, earning a groan in frustration from bam. I really need to talk him about this whole Ville thing. I miss ville.

"I agree you should talk to him about it" Helena said from beside me

I gave her a look that basically said 'get the fuck out of my head!'

"I find that peoples expressions are easy to read, plus you got a concerned look when bam groaned about HIM which i think is an outrage!" she whispered to me

Bam turned to look at me and hell funny her only response was"

"Just planning on killing you, taking your wallet and heading to new York. Nothing too big." what a great liar! I gave her an understanding smile as bam started the car saying something about us females always knowing what the other one knows.

I was planning on talking to bam about ville when we got home

Operation; make bam and ville friends again just kicked into action
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i got bored enjoy it!