Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

Cant Think Of A Song Lyric so This'll do

I was sitting in my room with Helena and K@yy, when we heard the sound of vibration on the floor. We all instantly looked at our phones, when hell's squeal told us it was her phone. She was sitting on it.

"What timothy dorathan?" she sighed not bothering to say hello.

"What do you fucking mean it's broken?.........He didn't fall did he?.......... Fucking oath! I'll kill that blonde dumb fuck......come pick me up then. Text me when you’re outside....... I'm at jade's you cocksucker!........ Tell him imma snap the other one if he doesn't stop complaining!...... fuck you too!" she yelled snapping her phone shut. I looked at her a bit funny as she leaned back on the floor and sighed.

"Do we want to know?" K@yy asked the question i was thinking

"My brother broke his wrist. He got pushed down some stairs after we left and now is in hospital chucking a bitch fit. Oh and he said hi jade" she shared whilst staring at my sacred ceiling.

We heard another vibration this time it was K@yy.

"You chickas i got to head home. Would Tim mind if i headed in with you guys?" she asked Helena.

"Nah he won’t argue with me. I can get scary watch..." she paused for a moment before yelling 'rawr'! With a smile on her face. Then for the third time we heard another vibration it was hell again.

"Come on..." she said climbing off the floor and slinging her bag over her shoulder we all walked down stairs. I was leading to the door when i noticed bam sitting on the lounge staring at nothing. I flicked his ear, so did K@yy and hell pulled his hair. Gosh were evil. I gave both K@y and Helena a hug.

Before they left Helena whispered in my ear' don't forget to talk to him. Now would be a perfect time. You two need daddy - daughter time...'

"Bye girls!" bam called absent-mindedly.

"Come visit tomorrow please?" Helena and K@yy as they got in the car

"Oath. I'll bring Hades if you want!"Helena yelled out the window. I blushed instantly, causing Helena to burst out laughing.

I closed the door and went and sat in the lounge room with bam.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" he asked instantly. Fucking eavesdropping on me again?!?!

"Ville" i said sighing. Bam's face turned annoyed as he looked away from me and looked out on the deck.

"I don't want to" he mumbled but yet still growled

"I don't care bam. I miss ville, and i hardly knew him. I can’t imagine how much you miss him." i said causing his attention to turn to me again

"What’s this about really jade?" he said raising his voice a little getting pissed off at me.

"Ville like i said it was. I don't really know what happened that day in the hotel room but some really good friendships were fucked that day!" i said also raising my voice

"Exactly jade you don't know what happened that day! So stay the fuck out of it!" he yelled at me. This boy needs a breath mint.

" I know i was brought up and i don't exactly give a shit that i was! And no i won’t stay the fuck out of it! I mean fuck! Bam ville was your best fucking friend! He’s the lead signer of your fucking favorite band!" i yelled back.

"If you don't drop this conversation. You can pack your fucking bags and head back over to your fucking mother understood?" he yelled taking a step towards Me., i could see the rage in his eyes. I'll make him regret saying that one.

" If I'm fucking going back over there your fucking paying for it!" i growled adding every last bit of my anger to it.

He pulled out his wallet and took out a wad of cash and gave it to me

"Enjoy your fucking flight!" he yelled then walked out of the room.

I stood there in awe.

that fucked up majorly!
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i'm sorry but i need jadeykins in aus for a while.