Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

I'm not Insane, I'm Not, Not Insane

"Kiitos ja on mukava päivä" i said in Finnish to the last customer for the day. {Thank you and Have a Nice day}

Ok let me explain first!

As you read i was meant to go to Australia...which i did for a month. I didn't go back to Sydney, instead i went to Perth for a month. Remember my old friend Pedro i was talking about? Well we lived together for a month before we both decided to pack up and move to Finland. I got an apartment, which happened to be in the same building as ville. To tell you the truth were neighbors, ville doesn't know that yet.

I'd been in Finland for three months now and quickly adapted, and learned Finnish of course. In case you’re wondering; no bam has not tried to get in contact with me and yes i miss everyone a lot

"Ok one regular coffee no sugars and black. For Madame Angel." Pedro said handing me a coffee. And yes i changed my name. Because i couldn't think of a last name, Pedro allowed me to use his, Williams. He knows i really am Jadiah grace- Margera. But after hearing everything we decided to let jade drop off the face of the planet and let Angel-Skye Williams come to life.

I walked out the back of the store and opened my locker to throw all of my work gear in it.

I worked in a Gothic shop called 'unholy threads'. My boss's name was Luca. He was a British man who parents moved him to Finland in a witness protection program. But you never heard that from me.

"Let’s just get the fuck out of here." i said slamming my locker shut and pulled my HIM trench coat on. Yeah I'm still a massive fan.

Helsinki was a lot different from West Chester, let me tell you. Absinthe was legal here!

As we were walking out of the mall i heard the one voice i thought I'd never hear again.

"Helena i don't see why you’re so pissed at him!" Hades yelled walking past me talking into a phone. I wonder if he still has my old number.

" I hate the fact that we're on different tours that's just shitty! If you were here...." he trailed off as he walked away from me

"Ah so that's your 'lover boy'?" Pedro said in a teasing way winking at me as we continued walking. Fuck damn him and being able to read me!

"Shut up or die a horrible death" i mumbled.

He kept on teasing me about Hades as we were walking the three block distance to the apartment. As we we're walking up the stairs i noticed the door next to us open and a very pissed off Jussi walked out

"Can’t believe he ran out of booze. Usually everywhere you fucking look in his apartment there is booze" Jussi mumbled. I let out a sigh of relief as he walked past us not noticing me or Pedro. He did a double take before stopping me and Pedro as we were walking

"Excuse me, don't mean to sound rude or anything but have i seen you somewhere before? You look awfully familiar" he said studying my face.

" She has one of those faces. You know when i first met her i thought she was Jade Margera. But she's not as pretty as jade." he said smirking at me. You fucking wanker!

" Oh well sorry for disturbing you." Jussi said turning on his heel and continuing on his adventure for booze.

"Hey Jussi! Don’t forget the chips!" Ville yelled scaring me causing Pedro to break down in laughter.

" Fuck you ville!" Jussi yelled from the stairwell

"Sorry love, didn't mean to scare you." ville said towards me flashing a smile. Gosh I’ve missed ville.

" Don’t mean to sound rude right now but Angel can we hurry up i really need to bleed the lizard!" Pedro said saving me from admitting that i was Jade and ending up with a shitload of controversy

"Yeah help me up" i said holding out my hands for him to grab.

"Ville by the way" ville said as Pedro pulled me up. 'Yeah i already know that one remember me I'm jade, Bam's daughter that ran away' i was going to say that but instead voiced this

"Angel and this is retard but i call him Pedro instead." i said patting Pedro on the head as he danced on the spot. Yes I'm torturing him

"Well see you around i guess." ville said awkwardly before shutting the door.

I opened the door and Pedro pushed pass me and ran into the toilet. I heard Pedro singing some random song as i opened the fridge and grabbed two beers.

FUCK! I nearly got busted in Finland by Ville and Jussi
♠ ♠ ♠
ok a few things. no i don't not know how to speak finish. i use google translator
[] that's the actual Pedro Williams. don't message him at all. or i will delete this story. and i mean it.
dont mean to sound like a bitch but pedro's one of my best friends and i dont want him mad at me.