Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

We're The Ones Who Made You

I was woken up by the sound of 'lady sovereigns - so human', and unfortunately, Pedro’s ass shaking in my face.

"If you don’t get it out of my face. I’m going to bite It." i growled. I heard ville melodic laugh and quickly snapped my head around to face him.

"Pedro... are you singing into a tampon?" ville asked looking horrified. I rolled out of bed from laughter at this. Chill it wasn't used.

"You know what make's this even funnier?! It’s not my tampon" i said from the floor laughing at the ceiling. This made ville double over form laughter.

"Then how the fuck did it get in our apartment?" he asked looking puzzled. He gave a shrug and threw it somewhere behind him.

"Anyways i thinks its time for us to leave dearies" ville said walking over to me and offering me a hand up. I picked up my board from the corner of the room. I now had a custom deck that said 'Jade Margera owns your soul'

"What’s wrong" Pedro asked as we were walking down the stairs of the apartment block. We’d made sure everything was secured.

" I miss being jade." i mumbled.

"Welcome back miss Margera" Pedro said nudging me with his hip i smiled and gave him a hug around the hip. I love Pedro i really do.

"Why are you two acting like your just plotted my horrible and painful death?" ville asked looking at us funny as we walked out of the apartment.

"Ville may i re-introduce you to Jade Margera. Angels gone on holidays for while." we were interrupted by my phone ringing in my pocket i sighed answering it seeing as it was work.

"Hey angel change of plans dear. It seems I'm needed back in England so you can’t go on your little holiday sorry" Luca said into the phone. That fucking English wanker I'll fucking kill him.

"Hm let me see about that Luca... no not possible i guess i quit then if you want to be an insensitive fagtard about it. Luca good day to you asshole!" i said then hung up. Both Pedro and ville looked at me funny.

"I just quit my lousy job so what?" i asked getting on my skateboard and 50-50 grinding the rail out the front.

"Jade get in the fucking cab. You’re just like your father" ville said but mumbled the last part. With that we all climbed in and headed to the airport

---> AMERICA!!!!--->

Pedro and I climbed of the plane while ville groaned about the landing.

"Why do i keep flying?" he mumbles to himself.

"OH MY GOD ITS VILLE VALO" a random voice yelled and a swarm of fan girls came rushing over to where ville was standing.

Me and Pedro pointed and laughed as he signed things repeatedly and took close to a hundred photos. In the mean time Pedro and i were getting our bags from the bag carousel.

I had my board in my left hand by the trucks while I slung my other bag over my right shoulder I turned around to see Bam no less than eight foot away from me.

He looked at my board then up at me. His eyes went wide i only heard one thing and it was one of the last things i needed to hear. That one word made me sick to my stomach and my head spun as bam approached me he said it. Ironically it was my name

"Jade?" he asked after that i was meet with darkness
♠ ♠ ♠ [ jades deck.]
yay we have jade back....but angel is not DEAD!.
i have a few things to complain about : first no one serenaded me. my dipshit of a boyfriend serenaded a sandwich for Christ sakes.
second: my nail polish remover is extremely cold
I. Have. Nothing. Stupid. To. Say