Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

Anyway You Want It

After my whole fainting incident in the airport, Pedro pulled some shit out of his arse and get me out of there as quickly as possible.

"I must admit, you fainting over seeing your dad is really fucking funny" Pedro said as we were sitting outside this hotel in New York.

"He was so shocked when he saw you and then you just dropped. Jade you should faint more often" Ville said taking a drag of his smoke.

"Shut up the both of you" I mumbled standing up and started riding my skateboard. I changed my Deck I just skated back and forth along the footpath, yelling at random people. I had decided to re-dye my hair, not black, or any usual color i decided bright fucking green with purple and black. it looked pretty sweet. It took over two hours of sitting in one of those god damn uncomfortable hairdressers chairs. But there was a bonus, the girl who did was awesome and made me eight cups of coffee during it.

"Come on were got to make you all look somewhat respectable" Pedro said standing up and pulling me off my skateboard. Wanker!

"Why do i have to look good?" i moaned kicking Pedro in the shin.

"Because i do as well. Ville's probably used to dressing up like a little princess. I think everyone would shit if we walked in like we we're dressed." Pedro said looking down and his ripped jeans and misfits singlet top. That used to be my shirt.

As i was being dragged upstairs slowly by Pedro. Ok so i wasn't being dragged i was over his right shoulder. Pedro and I had made a deal. If i have to look good in a dress than so did her. I had the joy of picking out his dress. He could actually look like a really hot chick, plus he had waxed his legs. I've never seen a man so excited to cross dress.

"Hey jade? Instead of a dress can i just wear a mini skirt. Cause there's one of yours that i REALLY like?" he asked as we started getting shit out of my suitcase and bags from shopping.

"Yes my dear you can" i said skipping out into the bath room to get ready . As i slowly walked out of the bathroom Pedro rushed in and pushed me out of the way.

There was a knock at the door so i went over to answer it before putting on my shoes.

"He’s not really going to wear a dress is he?" ville asked walking in look fairly decent.

"Nope-" ville sighed with relief "- he's wearing a skirt instead" at that ville groaned.

We sat in silence before we heard the shower water turn off and Ped start singing very loudly.

"Its poetry carved in flesh, this beautiful hell of ours-" at this point ville and i couldn't help but burst into the bathroom and start singing with him, luckily Pedro already had his skirt on.

"I'm sorry Pedro put i have to ask, how in the blue hell you are going to keep your tallywacker hidden all night?" i asked. They both laughed at the fact that i referred to a penis as a tallywacker, but Pedro answered anyways.

" Did you just call Cole joy a tallywacker?" he evil glared at me. Oh my Goth he named his own-

"You named your dick Cole joy, what the fuck?!" ville exclaimed.

" Yup Cole joy and the joy boys. They’re sort of a gang." Pedro said talking about it like it was nothing.

I couldn't take it anymore i had to leave that bathroom.

It was twenty minutes later that we had finally left the hotel, and got into the limo outside.

"So what exactly is this charity thing about?" i asked. I was curious.

"Cancer research. Listen if Bam's there you have to know i had nothing to do with this okay?" ville said laying his head on my shoulder and giving me the puppy eyes.

"You guys ready?" the limo driver asked. Um is my name Jackie? Of course I'm not fucking ready dipshit!

Pedro and ville got out of the car and held out there hands to help me out. Putting a show on for the cameras. They are so not gentlemen, and either are Cole joy and the joy boys

I snorted from laughter when i remembered this.

"VILLE! WHO ARE THESE TWO LADIES?!?" one of the reporters yelled out. I felt Pedro’s head go into the crook of my neck as he tried not to burst out laughing.

"Hey I'm angel and this is Natasha. We’re really old friends of Ville's" i said to the reporter. When he put his head down to write something on his pad me and 'Natasha' quickly ran to catch up with ville.

"I think i may have forgotten to mention it’s and open bar tonight." ville said with a sly smirk towards us.

Pedro and I looked at each other and i could tell we had the same quote in mind

Arrive. Raise Hell. Leave
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry about not updating sooner. i have writers block....again.
and if you just so happen to be a character in my story that doesn't exactly have a face. can you guys go and find a picture that you's want. i need to finish doing the summary page
Who. Ever. Said. Laughter. Was. The. Best. Medicine.
Never. Had. Gonorrhea