Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

Something I Can Not Forget

"I remember at my wedding Hades slapped Matt and told him to wake the fuck up to himself. It’s even funnier that JB filmed it" Valery said laughing. And yes i mean Val, Matt shadows wife.

We were currently in a bar somewhere in NY. I was in a booth with all avenged sevenfold's girlfriends and Helena. We had escaped the dinner, well more like it ended an hour ago, but they all wanted to get smashed. they guys, including ville, were playing dirty tactics pool where Synyster kept bumping Pedro's cue up to get him distracted.

"So angel what do you do for a living?" Michelle asked me. She isn't as bitchy as people make her out to be. She actually really nice.

"Well yesterday i worked in a Gothic shop in Finland but i kind of quit slash got fired." i answered taking a sip of my drink. Apple Vodka, i am officially hooked.
"Zacky get your fucking hand off my ass!" Shadows yelled from across the room causing all us girls to crack up.

"Matt get your ass off my hand!" Zacky yelled back. The entire bar stopped and looked at the two while we girls nearly pissed ourselves from laughter.

"VAL! MAKE HIM MOVE IT!" Matt yelled in our direction
"Shads you know you like it! Stop complaining, and accept the fact that even guys want to touch your ass" Hell yelled back. He...awkward!

"I never knew you were that close boys!" Gena yelled out. We sat and joked around for a little while longer until we decided to call it a night. Actually avenged sevenfold nearly getting into a bar fight made us call it a night.

Has anyone ever tried to get a taxi whilst drunk? It really hard especially if you dressed like us three we're. Finally one taxi pulled over and we all climbed in.

"Where to?" the driver asked in a Mexican accent. O.M.G IT’S AN ILLEGAL ALIEN!...RUN!
"The Levington please?" ville replied. Why say please he get paid to drive people around and if he doesn't he gets fired. But then again ville was brought up right unlike me.
I put my head on Pedro's shoulder and finally passed out.

When i woke up the next day i didn't have a hang over but Pedro groaning made me feel somewhat sick. I quickly got up and changed i was in a HIM mood today.

I knocked on the bathroom door three times softly and stuck my head through the door to see Pedro with his head in the toilet bowl groaning. We was still dressed in the clothes from last night.
"Hey I'm going to go get you a nice greasy breakfast okay?" i stated quietly trying to not make his head hurt even more.
"I love you jade your awesome" Pedro said his voice echoing from the bowl.

I walked out of the room grabbing the card and my wallet on the way. Oh and my phone as well and walked ten steps to ville door.

I knocked gently as heard ville say 'its open' from what i guessed was the bathroom.
I walked in to see ville in the fetal position on the bathroom floor.

"Ok looks like I'm getting you a greasy breakfast as well" i said quietly again.

"Thanks love" ville moaned. Suddenly he moved like a ninja and was hunched over the toilet bowl. I pulled a grossed out face and quickly left the room.

I walked to the nearest macca's and ordered some greasy ass food. I gave a soft smile when i heard Helena yell at Hades. It either I’m stalking them or they're stalking me.
"Get your fucked up burger out of my face you ass hat!" she yelled.
I heard foot steps behind me and a large body mass stand next to me, yes this mass had a name
It was Bam
♠ ♠ ♠
ok its half arsed lol. i only managed to get this out cause Jace is passed out in my bed.