Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

555 to the 666

"i don't really know i think i'm over reacting about this whole thing. maybe i shouldn't of pushed bam into talking things over with ville. what if-" i rambled...yes i had a girlie paranoid moment sue me

"oh my god jade shut the fuck up your giving me a head spin you crazy bitch. tomorrow when we sober up and somehow make our way back to the hotel, I'll lock you and bam in a room together so you can talk like rational people! now fucking drink! your making me depressed!" she yelled throwing something random at me. i picked it up and opened it. she threw a fucking pair of boxers at me?

"did you just throw a moldy pair of fucking boxers at me?" i shrieked throwing it back at her. we continues throwing the pair of boxers until she picked up the remote and pegged it at me. it hit me right between the eye as i let out some sort of cry of pain. i launched at her from the lounge and we both ended up on the floor giggling our asses off.

"K@yy I've got something to say and i don't know how your going to take it.." i said rolling my head towards K@y. i love evilness. she's going to hate what I'm going to do.

"what?" she asked completely oblivious as to what i was about to do. i sent her a sly look and burped right in her face.

"your a dirty hooker!" she yelled as i climbed off the floor and ran though the house into what i guess was her room. i started going through her draws looking for a change of clothes.

"what are you looking for? cause if it my porn stash, its not here" k@yy said from the door. i jumped and lost balance and landed on the floor laughing once again. K@yy was laughing a little to hard for my liking so i grabbed her behind the right knee and brought her down with me.

"i need a change of clothes i stink" i said lifting my arm "see?" i asked. she pulled a face and grabbed me a change of clothes, and dragged me into the bathroom.

i stepped out of the shower to see a note written on the mirror. i never noticed her walk in
' your a bitch love the K@yyster.
P.S you cant sing!
P.S.S i told Ville we ran off to Vegas to get married.

i laughed at the mental image of ville face when she told him that. one of shock, horror an confusion. i never actually noticed what clothes sh gave me until i had them on. i never knew i had my own tee shirt, but what the hell I'm awesome.

i strolled back out into the lounge room but not before almost killing myself on a door frame.
"you planned that didn't you bitch? you but the door frame there on purpose." i said jumping on the lounge next to her, and grabbing the cup she help out to me. sweet sweet vodka!

an hour later we were both pretty drunk. we were trying to figure out how to answer my phone.
"maybe...its the green button" K@yy said a bit slurred. i pressed the green button that actually answered it the accidentally pressed the loud speaker button. ville worried voice came through at us and scared the living shit out of us.

" ok so i take it you two are plastered. and i really hope you aren't in Vegas Jade cause bams just as drunk as you are and is trying to fight pedro for apparently stealing you. when are you going to be back?" he asked immediately. hello to you too asshole.

"tomorrow morning ville. and K@yy can't even fucking walk! and you expect us to stop a fight your-your pulling on my heartstrings aren't you?" i said laying my head on the table. passing out in five...

" your about to pass out. i'll leave you be. call me tomorrow." ville said then hung up. i pressed the red button next


"can you imagine bam and pedro fighting?" K@yy laughed. i gave i half hearted chuckle


"jade i have something to tell you. and this is out of secrecy" was the next thing i heard


"i think I'm in love with pedro" she finished

out like a light
♠ ♠ ♠
boom chicka waa waa
i dont know. just dont trust a ho.