Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

Pedro part 2

The phone was ringing the room making me and ville groan in pain. Cant we put it on vibrate?

Jade walked in smoke in hand and answered the phone. She had a weird conversation before telling us that her friends and avenged sevenfold and all them were coming up. Good i need to get Syn back for distracting my in the pool game last night. Without even knocking they came in.

"Aw look at you two lovers on the bed!" Helena -i think her name is- cooed at me and ville. We simultaneously flipped her off.

"That was fucked up" Shadows said towards us. I flipped him off as well, and went back to watching queen of the damned. The movie ended and ever sat around and talked for a while.

I couldn't help but noticed on of Jades friends Kay i think her name is or some shit. She had a weird grace to her.

"Hey we know about an awesome party. Its Gerard way's celebrating the birth of his daughter. He actually meant to ask the lot of you to go. you's in?" Shadow asked looking at everyone. Most just shrugged and others nodded. I wasn't in the mood to party but oh well.

"Well then when is it?" Liss asked this time. Hey I'm getting better at remembering their names!

"In like two hours" shads replied. I must have zoned out because the next thing i know someone’s shoe hit me in the head.

"What the fuck?!" i moaned. Hey i am still hung-over a little. I looked around the room to see Rev with his shoe off trying to look innocent. Mother fucker.

I picked the shoe up and walked into the bathroom with it. I wonder if it will actually fit down the toilet...

"Don’t you fucking dare!" rev shrieked from the floor. I heard him walk towards the bathroom, so i walked over, shut and locked the bathroom door.

"I'll hurt you in your sleep!"I laughed evilly at this.

" No you fucking wont." jade growled sticking up for me.

"And why wont i?" rev asked with - what i hoped was - fake anger.

" Because if i hear about anyone threatening or abusing any of my fucking friends jaws will be ripped out am i understood?" she growled again. Fuck I'm in the bathroom and she's not even directing it at me and I'm scared shitless.

"Whatever" i heard rev mutter. I heard a thump on the bathroom door that sounded like jade had her hand around his throat and was giving him the most evil glare she could muster.

"This is how it is going to fucking work; you’re all going to leave them room all happy and fucking cheery. No one is going to be hurting anyone and shoes are not going to be FLUSHED!" she yelled the last part so i would know it was directed at me. I walked over and unlocked the door opened it and gave the rev back his shoe. I grabbed jades wrist and dragged her into the bathroom, but not before i noticed everyone's shocked looks.

"What?" she said applying make up. I never noticed she didn't have any on.

"What’s wrong?" i whispered. I hated seeing Jade upset.

"I miss him and Carmen. Don’t laugh please?" she whispered back lowering her head. I pulled her into a hug and i felt her start crying on my shoulder. It was quiet crying. I rubbed her back trying to comfort her. I felt her body shake as she cried. It came as a shock that she missed bam and an even bigger shock that she missed Carmen.

"I wrecked my eyeliner!" she whined. I laughed at her slightly. We both looked at the door when someone knocked.

"Who dares knocks on my chamber door?" i asked knowing that jades voice wasn't stable enough.

"It’s Hella. Were just going out to try and score some drugs and sluts we'll be back soon" came a voice, well obviously it was Helena.

"The door will be unlocked" i replied.
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he sent this to me from Perth lol. when i first read it i nearly cried.