Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

Time Kills, Go Ask Jesus

I finally managed to wake K@yy's fat ass up. Sure it only took 3 buckets of water and four slipknots Cd's....

"Are you really going to talk or just lash out and kill him?" K@yy asked. As i ate my pancakes.

"time will tell" i replied .

" I think you should waltz in, kick a few people in the head then talk to him" Helena said. Gr!m nodded in agreement, meaning he was kissing her ass. He got laid last night...

Wondering where we are? An IHOP near the hotel.

Tomorrow Pedro, Ville and i leave for Finland again, then in a week they're bring Aphrodite over to live with me and Pedro. Thank god i was missing my dog. K@yy had forced Helena and Gr!m to bring me a change of clothes and i guess Liss just tagged along. She was quiet as she glared at some guy and chick behind me.

"I really fucking hope you aren't glaring at me sweetheart" i said sipping my coffee. I swear i nearly orgasmed when it ran down my throat

"Fuck no, but you'll never guess whose behind you" she said over her coffee cup. I didn't have to turn around to guess it was Missy. Fuck i know her voice anywhere.

"OH MY GOD IS IT SANTA!! OH MY GOD SANTA!! I FUCKING LOVE THAT GUY!!" I yelled causing everyone's attention to be focused on me. I jumped up in the seat and climbed out of the booth towards the door.

"SANTA NO!!! COME BACK!!!" i screamed before falling on my knees in front of the door and pretending to burst into tears. Everyone in the booth burst out laughing as i felt someone’s glare on my back i laid between my knees backwards and looked over to where Missy was sitting looking at me like i just raped her dog then ran over it in Bams hummer.

"Got a fucking problem miss Rothstein?" i yelled. Yeah i wanted to flog her, three ways from fucking Sunday.

"Of course not. Well nothing you need to fucking know about" she said before turning her attention back towards some asshole. I climbed off the floor and walked over to her table and sat on it.

"Well i believe you and i have to have a fucking chat. Not only are you a fucking lying money hungry whore but you're also butting fucking ugly. So you have two choices we talk like two normal people apart from the fact that you fucked my father over or we take this outside and settle it the old fashioned way. What’s it going to be?" i asked. In my head i was chanting pick outside, please! Pick outside

She slammed her hand on the table and said 'outside now!'

She stormed out of the establishment as i kicked off my shoes and followed with my friends following, i noticed that Gr!m had a video camera. If this doesn't get on E! Entertainment I'm firing my publicist...wait i don't have one.

"you know its a fucking shame Jade i thought you wouldn't turn out like your fucking father but hey; were all wrong sometimes" she yelled causing more attention on us.

"I didn't fucking come out here to talk" i growled as i gave her a hard right hook. She let out some kind of shriek, personally i thought she sounded like a banshee that just had its nuts cut off by the reaper, but that's just my opinion.

"You fucking bitch i think you just broke my nose!!" she yelled. She threw a pathetic upper cut at me i blocked it and head butted her in the... yup you guessed it ... nose.

"Sorry bitch but you fucked with my family" i screamed back and crash tackled her. No i didn't care that i was in a fucking skirt. I sat on her chest and repeatedly punched her in the face. I would've kept going if someone hadn't of pulled me off her

"Let me the fuck go or you’re fucking next!" i screamed struggling to get out of the persons grip. Damn they were strong

"I'm not letting go until you fucking calm down" said a voice i recognized as Bam's.

"Fuck no! She wants to disrespect my fucking family she's going to fucking cop it!" i yelled back and started struggling again.

"Calm down please?" He asked again, this time he sounded pained and depressed. I stopped struggling.

Missy slowly climbed off the ground and spat blood as she opened her mouth i noticed her two front teeth missing.

"Well if it isn't the worthless sack of shit himself." she said. As soon as he lets me go I'm knocking out the rest of her teeth.

"Oh my god shut the fuck up! You want a worthless sack of shit? Take a look at your fucking reflection. You just got your ass kicked by a 16 year old." Liss yelled her face turning red from anger.

"You know what? This isn't worth it anymore." i said getting out of Bams grip and grabbing my shoes from Gr!m and walked off in some direction. I had no idea where i was going i just wanted to walk. I heard running after me, it was only one person. I guessed it was bam. I was right

"Can we talk now?" he asked with a hopeful expression.

Well here goes nothing...
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ok because pedro is a cunt he didn't bother writing another chapter in his p.o.v so i decided jade was back in.