Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

My Life You Would Suck Without You

After my 'party' at work, we took Aph back my place.

" I think Hades wants to tell you something" Helena said waltzing past me into the bathroom.

" No don’t go into the...bathroom" Pedro said trying to stop her. He needs to pee often, he needs an adult diaper i think.

He turned and gave me the puppy eyes, not going to work asshole it’s MY birthday.

"Jade have i told you lately how much i love you?" Ped asked.

"I’m not getting Helena out of the shitter just for you on my birthday fuck knuckle dog raping mother fucker" i said turning and walking into the kitchen to see K@yy Ceeee on my counter eating something random.

" I like Finnish food" she said with her mouth full.

"Sweetheart that’s not Finnish that’s moldy" i said walking over the fridge and grabbing out the barvarian cheesecake. I heard K@yy dry heaving into the sink as everyone stood in the door way and laughed at her. I grabbed the straight JD the help get the taste out of her mouth and kill any of the dangerous bacteria that might have been digested.

"Ughhhh that’s gross. Clean out your fucking fridge more often" she said taking a massive swig.

"Grab you coats or capes and witches hats. We're going to a fucking bar!!" Bam yelled out of no where scaring the shit out of me.

"Fuck you bam!" Helena yelled in his ear scaring the shit out of him. Ha! Karma bitch.

I grabbed my HIM jacket and lead every one out of my apartment

Let’s get this party STARTED!!!
♠ ♠ ♠
i had three new peircing today. its awesome!!!!!