Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

Tell Me Where Our Time Went

For some reason I'm not sure why we decided to go on a random plain trip after the pregnancy tests we paid some random to by our tickets to any where.

We sat on the plain and waited for take off, i still had not idea of where we were going or why.

The plain started to take off and the pilot spoke over the intercom

"Welcome board Qantas and thank you for flying with us our destination is Melbourne, Australia"

I smiled, we were going to Australia. I just remembered something that K@yy told me she was an Australian too.

i looked over to her and saw her head down and Pedro asking her what’s wrong she shook her head and looked away to regain her expression.

I got up and said "K@yy you me now something about Vegas i remembered"

She got up knowing what i meant and we walked to the bathroom and stepped in.

"What’s up K@yy?" i asked

"I grew up in Melbourne" she admitted "and my dad still lives here"

"Oh" i nodded "i won’t let him hurt you i promise and Pedro, Hun he well let’s say is head over heals for you"

She smiled and we went back to our seats

A long while later we arrived in Melbourne

We all got up and got off.

I saw K@yy looking around like she had some great memories here

"What’s up with her" hell asked

"She grew up here"

"Really" Pedro asked

"Yes" i said like it was the most obvious thing ever