Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

I'm Coming Up For Air

I walked away from the rest of the group for some thinking time.. I can’t believe i am actually back in Australia. As i sat in the corner booth and a coffee shop with a Chi tea, i thought about all the good memories I've had in this very country

It was a boring Wednesday and as per usual me and my friends were wagging class... we never go to class. We were at the Rooty Hill skate park, trying to out-skate each other.

"What are you doing loser?" Jerry asked coming and sitting next to me.

"Thinking." I replied

"What a strange thing to do. What you thinking about?" he asked

"Life generally. Do you ever think I'll leave this fucked up city?" i asked turning towards him dragging my finger through my red and black hair

"Hell yeah. Hopefully by the time your 17 you'll be in like America or some shit skating your Gothic little heart out. And I'll be there on the side lines cheering your ass on. Cause you know I'll be your manager and shit" Jerry answered.

"Jerry you couldn't manage to pull your finger out of your arse; how could you manage Jade if she was famous?" frank asked doing a nose grind in front of us. We all cracked up at this comment causing frank to fuck up his nose grind and almost wreck him.

Wow Frank and Jerry.. I miss talking to them, i miss pulling pranks with them.. I miss a lot of things here.

"There you are. Everyone was worried where you were" Bam said sliding into the seat across from me "why are you crying?" he asked

"Reliving old memories. I'm fine really" i answered wiping away the lone tear that rolled down my cheek.

"Want to talk about it?" Bam asked.

I sighed, why couldn't he asked another question, because in reality, i actually really want to talk to someone about it

"I miss everyone in Sydney" i mumbled, hoping he wouldn't hear me, he did. He pulled out his phone and called someone

"Hey fuckwits guess what? You guys are staying in Melbourne for a while..... Because i fucking said so!.... I’m with jade right now and we are going to go somewhere..... Why the fuck do you care?!..... Have a nice day asshole!" Bam said. Unfortunately i only heard what he was saying.

"Get the fuck up. We’re going to Sydney ASAP." Bam announced standing up. He caused some attention to be brought to himself and suddenly there was 25 skate rats and sluts standing around him begging for autographs..

"Um excuse me Jade?" a voice asked. I turned my head and saw a young Gothic girl standing at my side. I smiled at her

"Yes love?" i asked giving her my full attention.

"Could i get your autograph?" she asked looking at her feet. Aw she was so cute!

"Sure thing what you name love?"

"Delilah-Rose" she said.

"What a beautiful name" i said and signed Jadiah Grace - Margera on the bag she held out for me to sign..

"There you go" i said smiling warmly at her.

"Okay y'all i need to get the FUCK! Out of here with my daughter and no were not signing anything else!" Bam yelled. Slowly the crowd spilt and bam and i were able to walk out of the shop.
♠ ♠ ♠
i only just managed to get this update out.
I've been incredibly busy cause of school and shit. i just finished my year ten trials and next week are my school certificate exams.