Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

Watch Me Fall For You Now

After screaming those words at Bam i stared at my converse clad feet and chewed on my lip ring.. I closed my eyes and a single tear fell out, i felt like a disappointment.

"You’ve got to be fucking joking me?! Fuck jade your 17!" Bam exclaimed jumping out of his seat with such force that it tipped over "do you know who the father is? Does he understand the fucking responsibility? Does he realize I'll fucking skin him alive? Well?" he finished demanding answers out of me. I was about to answer when Hades came to my rescue

"Bam sit the fuck down and listen to me" Hades ordered after picking up Bam's chair and pushing him into it

"I'm the one who got her knocked up and yes i understand the fucking responsibility! And as for skinning me alive? Sure lets have another kid that has to grow up with out knowing if daddy cares or not!" he yelled practically scaring the living shit out of Bam.

Hades walked past Bam and helped me off the chair, then out of nowhere, dipped me then proceeded to passionately kissed me.

After all the wolf whistles and wooing had stopped Hades pulled me upright and gave me a goofy grin.

" I've wanted to do that for a long time" he whispered in my ear.

The screen door opened behind us and Helena walked out

"Hades Kayden! I did not just see you kiss my bitch!" she yelled smacking him over the back of the head

"Hennalest Morgan!" he yelled back then stopped to think of something to say while i sat down in the chair still breathless.

"Come on jade" Hades said pulling me up from the chair again and walking me inside. I looked back over my shoulder and saw that Bam was red with fury.

" Wait" i said getting out of Hades grip. I walked back outside and hugged Bam from over the seat

"I'm sorry dad" i said and yes i actually meant to call him dad cause that is what he was; my father.

I turned and went back inside. I walked over to Hades and grabbed his hand as if answering and unasked question.

" Can we leave here for a while?" i asked with a few tears sliding down my cheek

" Come on I'll take you to mine and hell's place" he said leading me out the front door. We approached his new car

On the drive over to\o his apartment no words were exchanged i think we both were content in just sitting in silence.

Finally we pulled up in front of a nice looking apartment building and Hades jumped out of his seat , while i didn't even acknowledge the fact that we had indeed stopped.

"Here doll" Hades said holding out a hand and assist me out of the car. I mumbled thanks and followed him inside.

When we entered the apartment it didn't look too different to my apartment in Helsinki. And so you know Ville was taking care of Aph for me while i was over here.

"Don’t mind the mess, me and hells aren't here often enough to clean this place.. Want to pick out a movie and I'll cook some popcorn sound good?" Hades said walking into the kitchen and started pulling things out of the cupboard.

I walked over to the extensive DVD collection and picked out "The Crow". My all time favorite movie, it always made me sad to know that Brandon Lee died while making this movie.

I heard Hades singing to what sounded like "crossroads" as i say the movie on the coffee table next to some empty beer bottles.

Five minutes later he walked back in with a bowl of popcorn and sat next to me on the lounge after putting in the movie. I lied back on him and he put his arm around me and somewhat cuddled me. Just the comforting thing i needed

after and hour or so [we were up to the scene where Darla is cooking Sarah breakfast] my phone started to flash and sing a not so pleasant song... it was Zacky and Matt singing jingle bells... but in what they called the avenged remix. Sighing i leaded forward and got my phone out of my back pocket and read "appeykins" with i sigh i answered

"Yes sums?" i answered in a hoarse voice as Hades played with my hair

"You and Hades need to get the fuck back here now please!" she shrieked. I heard various profanities in the background several objects breaking.

"OK we'll be there soon" i said with another sigh and hung up

"We have to return to civilization don't we?" he asked looking down at me. I nodded and started to get up but Hades arm wouldn't allow me to get up completely

"I never asked you something and i want to make it official. Jadiah Grace- Margera will you be my girlfriend?" he asked and looked deep into my eyes

"Nope" i said climbing off him and tidying up my clothes before turning and straddling his waist

"Of course i will dickhead" i said kissing him, i heard him let out a low groan as he put a hand on the back of my neck to somewhat pull me closer. I almost got lost in the kiss when i remembered the urgency in Apes voice.. Something was going on at the castle and apparently i needed to be there

The drive back tot he castle was filled with me annoying Hades by ignoring him, Hades tried to ignore me back by playing songs which i hated [ such as ke$ha- tik tok]

when we went through the gates of the castle i got a feeling of hatred suddenly was over me and i have a mood swing in full force and i got out of the car before Hades had even stopped completely, by the time he had opened his door to get out i was at the front door waiting for him so i could walk in

I wish i had just ignored apes call cause when i walked in the door i saw the one person i hated most

♠ ♠ ♠
holy fuck me that was a long ass chapter.. but finally jade and hades are officially together, Bam knows about the pregnancy(s) and i promise some old characters will be in the next chapter eg, avenged, Wednesday, ville, 69 eyes, the dudesons and so on
heartagrams you dirty mofo's