Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

It's Your ***in' Nightmare

"Now you promise that as soon as you all land you'll call?" Ape asked for the fifth time in the past hour.

ok lets take a few steps back for a second.

Right now; were off the Finland so Pedro and I can move back to the U.S. Yeah always fun.

Now, my mother Carmen, was told by the police to leave the property and to resist from have any contact with us or action would be taken. as in Jail time.

Ok back to Ape harassing me.

"Yes ape for the fifth fucking time, we will call that is a promise and yes I'll make sure that I don't do anything straining, and I'll make sure I eat, now can I fucking leave?" I snapped putting my hand on my slightly swollen belly.

Yeah I've started showing.

I punched Hades in the dick for that, when I noticed

"YO! Jade lets go!" Syn yelled at me. Yeah were taking Avenged with us. For the simple reasons of I am not to lift anything.

At all.

Plus one night all of Avenged dubbed themselves my personal body guards because in the words of Jimmy; 'what dumb fuck is going to mess with five heavily tattooed sons of bitches, especially if we get shads to growl and glare at them.'

The crazy man has a point.

"Hey Jade, Lets roll." Syn said walking over and standing just behind me.

I looked over my shoulder and just nodded at him. ape walked past me and got in syns face... well chest.

"You take good care of my grand-daughter or I'll make it so you never play lead guitar again. am I understood?" Ape threatened. Hey who knew she had it in her?

"Yes Ape. I promise on my pinstripe guitar I will take care of Jade." Syn promised.

With that both Syn and I turned and walked towards the terminal.
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i know i've been a cunt lately when its come to updating.
but things are just going shit lately.
just remember i love every single one of you all!!!!
Miss C.D Reaper