Status: currently editing

Bam Margera's My Dad - What!

She Does It Like This When You Do It Like That

After finally gathering myself Bam introduced me to everyone else. When it came Jussi's turn to be introduced it was absolutely fucking uncomfortable.

"Jussi, this is Jadey my daughter" Bam said

"Get fucked. No way is she your daughter Bam. Your too ugly to of fathered this piece of art..." that comment made me blush but only a little."... Honey are you adopted by Bam?" he asked

"Ha you tell me... Can i become anti-social again now Bam please?.. There a part of the ceiling i haven't stared at" I said turning to him.

in actual fact i was a bit uncomfortable. comments on my looks make feel weird.
"yeah piss off... now to the Pirate bar fuckers!" Bam yelled leading to group downstairs as I headed back up stairs.

As i flopped down on my bed, I fell back into my meaningless stare at my roof. never really knew how long i was staring but it was a fair while.

Then i got that damn nicotine craving again.

As i grabbed my packet and lighter and headed downstairs i saw the group watching... Spongebob Squarepants?

i crept outside and lit up. making the receptors back off. I heard the door slide open and some one walk up behind me.

" Hello love mind if I borrow one?" ville asked

"Go ahead, your lungs not mine" I said taking a long drag. I'm such a hypocrite

"So from what Bam tells me you not exactly what he expected. I don't think your what anyone expected..." Ville started

" Let me guess everyone expect a little 'oh my god i LOVE the colour pink!' girl?" I said in a preppy voice

"... Yeah basically or a teenie" he finished.

"Well then i guess everyone got a surprise didn't they?" I said ashing my smoke I took the final drag then put it out

"Definitely but I think Bam was just happy about getting his little girl back. He's been fighting to get custody for years now. He's really missed you even though, he's hardly seen you." Ville said nearly bringing me to tears, but I didn't cry. I never cry in front of people.

" I never knew that..." I said quietly

"Guess you didn't know that it broke his heart when your mother moved with you either. When we first meet that was basically the first thing he told me. I felt so sorry for him" Ville said looking inside at Bam watching spongebob.

"No I never knew that. Two days ago I didn't even know who my father was." I said quietly again

" Yo Ville, Jade what you's want for dinner" Bam yelled looking at us

" Food hopefully" I yelled back as he walked over to the door.

" fine Ville what do you want for dinner" Bam asked sticking his head out of the door.

" Well if i doesn't trouble ape i would love a home cooked meal" Ville answered smiling.

"Ape! He said he wants you to cook!" Bam yelling sticking his head back in.

"If it doesn't trouble her" Ville said laughing.

"It wont; its ape... What?... No!" Bam said turning around and shutting the door. He was having an argument with Ryan about him cooking.

"Excited about the party?" Ville asked
"Fuck yes! Murderdolls are playing." i replied smiling
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ok once again a bit of a filler but im not in a very creative mood... sue me
have an evil day