And Most Important: Never Forget The Story About Swans

The Story

It was a prom night. Kids were dancing and music was playing through loudspeakers .Everyone was having fun. ‘It will actually be very hard o leave the school’ I thought. Then in the middle of dance flour I saw a girl. Her back was turned to me but I saw how her shoulders was shaking, she was crying. I reached my hand to her and touched her shoulder. She turned around and I saw her deep blue eyes full of tears. The girl was senior as me and I didn’t know a lot about her but I knew that she dated some guy named Ayden. I was just staring at her and didn’t know what to do. She was dressed in beautiful white dress and white flats. “Why are you crying? What’s wrong? Did someone do something to you? “I finally asked after a long silence between us. She clung in to my shoulder and started to cry even harder “maybe I can help you? Just say what’s wrong? “She raised her head and looked at me “ok, I’ll tell you. But will you listen to the end of the story? It’s a long story.” “Sure I will.”

“My name is Rachel. When I was 15 years old we moved to this city and I haven’t known anybody. I was sitting in the bench alone in the park and was reading a book when suddenly something bumped in my shoulder. It was a ball and there was standing a boy. He smirked at me and I didn’t like him instantly and turned back to my book. “You know that you’re really pretty?” he said and I raised my eyebrow “so?” “And you have really beautiful eyes “he reached his arm “my name is Ayden “he said with a smile. I stood up from bench and walked away. I was thinking about him after that pretty long but I left to my grandparents for the rest of the summer and got back just before start of the school year.
I was walking to my school and heard someone shouting “Rachel!!” I ignored it. I don’t know anybody in here. But suddenly someone grabbed me by my wrist and I turned around to face the same boy at the park: “hey, I was looking for you everywhere! “He said with the same smile “why? “ I asked him “did you forget about me? My name is Ayden we met at the park.” He said and reached his hand for me . I tried to look angry but I just couldn’t help it and took his hand. “I’m happy that you’re my friend now. Are you happy?” I didn’t know what to say so I just kept quiet “I’ll take it as a ‘yes’ “. And that’s how our friendship started. He always waited for me after school and always walked me home. He always was sweet and caring. We dated for two years.
New years were coming soon and he invited me to spend them together at his parents’ house. “Rachel, I have to say something important exactly at 12 o’clock at New Years Eve “I just nodded and smiled at him. It was just me and Ayden and it was the best new years I had in years. Time ran by quickly and soon came midnight and it already was 2008. Then he hugged me and said “I love you Rachel “I was just staring at him. I didn’t know what to do. “Are you okay honey?” “Yes Ayden I am but I know that you’re waiting the same from me but are you sure that it’s really love? “He thought about it and said “what do you mean? I think that it is love. You’re really special to me.” “Yes, but did you ever heard about love?” He looked at me and nodded “my grandmother once told me a story: in a place where we used to live there was a lake and in the lake lived two swans: a cob and a pen, an-“I cut in “ you said you going to tell me a story about love and you’re telling me about swans ?” “Just listen to the story ok?” I nodded and smiled at him “ so, one day some man shoot at cob and he died, pen long time after it stayed in same place where cob died, alone. One day she raised high in the air did a loop and fell on a pile of stones. And before she reached the ground for the last time she let out a painful wail and died. People saw that and cried. Do you think it was love? I think it was. ““I’m sorry Ayden, I understand it but I’ll tell my answer later ok?” “Sure”, he said and kissed me sweetly on the lips.
After that our relationship was even better. Once we were at our friends’ birthday party and after that he brought me home late at night. We were standing at my porch “Rachel, can I kiss you? “ I was just was standing and watching him confused, then nodded. He hugged me and kissed me passionately on the lips “thank you” he said.
The next day he wasn’t at school. I was worried ass hell. He never did that before. He was always telling me everything. After school I ran to his house and knocked on the door. His mom opened the door and her eyes were red and full of tears. It scared me even more. “Where is Ayden? Is he okay? What happened?” “He is in the hospital “his mother said shakily “what? What happened? He was all right yesterday ““they found him today in the street he have serious injures. ““ What? No! It can’t be? Why? He was okay just yesterday. “I started to cry and think about the worst ‘don’t be stupid, he will be okay like always’ I thought. I run home fast after the talk with his mother and shut the door to my room and sobbed in to my pillow. Then someone opened the door to my room ant in stepped Ayden’s mother. She was white like a paper and it scared me. “What is happening?” I asked “he’s really weak, Rachel, and he wanted to talk to you “. I don’t even remember how I came to the hospital. I ran in to the room where he was lying on the bed. He was pale but when he saw me he smiled and his eyes shined.” Rachel…” he whispered. His lips were dry. I couldn’t hold my tears “ don’t cry silly” he smiled at me “ you see, it left just hours or even just minutes for me to live, but don’t cry everything will be okay. I just want to be with you the last time.” “What are you talking about? No! You won’t die! Everything is going to be okay. We will be together like always. I can’t live without you! ” he was listening to me quietly and kissed my hands “Rachel, just take this” with all his might he raised his hands and gave me a small letter “it’s my last letter. I don’t have enough strength to tell you this, so just read it” “no Ayden” I whispered “you’ll live everything will be the same” he took a heavy breath and whispered “Rachel please kiss me the last time, please Rachel “ I leaned in to kiss him tears where rolling down my cheeks and fell on his. I kissed him passionately and along the kiss fell when he stopped breathing. ”No! No! Somebody save him! “I yelled and cried even harder. I looked at him, he was so calm and he was smiling.
After three days was his funeral. I bought white wedding flowers for him. It was my last gift for him. When I was at his home I walked to his coffin and looked at him the last time. He looked like he was sleeping. He looked like he will wake up any moment and just say “hey Rachel“but he didn’t. Then I saw his mother. She was pale and her eyes were red, she watched her son and her lips were moving, but no sound came from them. Soon came the moment when they had to bury him. I couldn’t believe it. Soon I heard Ayden’s mother shouting “No! No, he will wake up soon! No don’t bury him yet!!”
Soon came Ayden’s father and dragged poor woman out of view. Then I remembered his letter just read it by your self:”

You know how much I love you and I will never stop loving you. It’s really hard to write it because I know that YOU … YOU Rachel love me too. I wanted always be with you but I can’t change what happened. I want you to be calm about it. Just think about me the same as I was alive. I will always be with you in your mind. It’s really hard to leave you my love. I can’t write any longer because I feel the death coming. Don’t forget my blue eyes and don’t forget me. And most important never forget the story about swans.
Love Ayden.

I was quiet. I almost held my tears as I read it. Now I know what love is. And now it’s a prom night and she’s alone, he’s gone. Then she suddenly grabbed the letter from me and ran outside. I ran after her and when I was outside I heard tires of the car squeal. And then I saw her and she was in white dress now covered in blood in her hand was squeezed the letter. Her eyes suddenly snapped open and she whispered “now I will always be with you Ayden “. Soon came doctor “She’s dead “I couldn’t hold it anymore and I started to cry .I looked at her and she reminded me of that swan and I remembered the line of the letter:

And most important never forget the story about swans.
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i hope you like it :) but there is probably lot of spelling and grammar mistakes so sory for that 'cause i'm not too good in speaking english but i tried to corect my mistakes really hard :)))