Ghost in the Walls

Truth in the Waiting Room

I never liked hospitals. Thay made me uncomfortable knowing that one day I could be stuck in one, with no escape.

Aiden had been in surgery. My parents went to get coffee, so I was by myself. I kept remembering the things I thought about him before. I thought about how I had wished I was an only child and that I was completely insenitive and cruel. Aiden was on the brink of death.

Spencer sat in the chair beside me. "Hey, Amber. I think I should explain something to you."

"What?" I uttered. He was the last person I wanted to see and just that morning I would have given anything to have him talk to me. "Can you explain why my brother was stabbed? What he was doing there?"

"We... Troy said he needed to meet somebody. Then we were going to the skate park. It was just a detour. Nothing was suppose to happen. I've never even saw the guy Troy was talking to. The met under the bridge. Aiden said something about warning Troy. The guy walked out and Aiden started a fight with him. It wasn't a fist fight. They just exchanged words. We went to leave and the guy came out of no where and..." His voice trailed off. "I'm sorry."

It didn't surprise me. Aiden was a fighter. He defended anybody he could, which usually led to him being suspended. Once, when we were ten, he got between the smallest boy in class and the school bully. I remember trying to pry Aiden off the kid, who was twice his size. I was proud of my brother, but mom and dad weren't. I can still hear them screaming at him in the kitchen.

"Amber?" Spencer shook my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

I stared at him a second and wiped away a tear. "I just dont...know what to do. I just keep thinking about what I'll do if he doesn't make it. If he-" I choked on my words and started crying harder then before. "What do I do, Spencer?"

He rubbed my back, "You can't think that way. Aiden wouldn't want you worrying about him. He'd tell you stop crying and to be strong. Besides, I think he'll be okay."

"But, what if he isn't okay? I don't know if I could be strong without him. He's my brother and I don't think I could live life knowing I wouldn't see him again." I swallowed loudly.

Spencer looked around, "You'll see him again. Trust me, it'll be okay."

"Who could do something like this? Do you have any idea what his name is?" I'm not sure what I was going to do with the information, but I asked anyway.

"I have no idea who he was. I only know they call him Spider, or something."

I've heard that name before. Somewhere in school, in the hallways. I couldn't remember were I'd heard it before, but I was going to find out.


After I cried a little longer, I had fallen asleep with my head on Spencer's shoulder.

While I was sleeping, I dreamt about Aiden. He was still lying on the pavement, blood pooling around him. And his words echoed like the ghostly words you always heard in the movies. I love you too, Amber...

Someone shook me awake. I jumped up, sitting straight in my chair to find Mom standing over me. Tears fell down her face. I already knew something was wrong but I needed to know.

"Mom, whats wrong?" I got to my feet.

She cried loudly, "Aiden's in a coma. He might not make it." She fell into the seat beside mine and cried loudly into her hands. Not knowing what to do, I began walking. I had no idea where I was going. I just needed to get away. Away from sick people and families who were losing loved ones. Like I was losing Aiden. It had gotten dark outside and the hospital parking lot was packed. I didn't care though I needed to get away.

That's when I saw him. Troy was standing near his convertible, with his greasy friends. I felt so much anger toward him that I walked up to him. I shoved him into the door of the car. "Look what you did!"

He balanced himself again, before looking at his friends, who chuckled. "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything."

"You're the reason Aiden's in a coma. You're why he might never wake up again. It's all you're fault." I wiped away a tear.

Troy stepped closer to me, causing me to swallow loudly. "It's not my fault. If Aiden had kept his nose out of other peoples business, he wouldn't be in this mess." He sneered. A smile grew across his face that caused all my anger to take control.

I swung my fist, catching him right in the jaw. He fell backwards and I lunged at him but someone grabbed me by the waist. Spencer placed me back on my feet behind him.

"What is her problem?" Troy touched his bloody lip.

Spencer turned toward him, and got seven inches away from his face. "You're her problem, Troy. After all, if it wasn't for you and your detours, Aiden wouldn't be in a coma."

"Aiden was always a push over. It's about time he got what he deserved." Troy snapped back.

I dove for him again, ready to take another swing, but Spencer held me back again.

Spencer pointed a finger in Troy's face. "I don't even know why you're here. You don't care about anything. Just stay away. I never want to see you again." He turned me around and walked toward his car. "You should go home."

"No, I have to stay here for Aiden. I can't leave." I tried to pull away from him but he gripped on to my arm tightly.

"You're mom asked me to take you home and that's what I'm gonna do." He lead me to his car.

Reluctantly, I climbed into the passengers seat. I crossed my arms in front of my chest, showing him I wasn't going for any reason but my Mom. She didn't need to worry about me, too. If I had my way, I would be sitting beside Aiden, waiting for him to wake up. I knew, that I couldn't do that though. As much as I wanted to.