Learn How to Lie

February 14th, 2005

Once again I waited for Brendon to find me in the lobby. He blasted through the doors, his hair a mess but covering part of his left eye, tight green hoodie, and black jeans on. My heart skipped a beat as he walked up to me. He half smiled, showing off his teeth and seeming overly sexy. I held my breath.

"So, where to?" I asked softly, afraid that my voice would crack. He smiled bigger, the smile reached his eyes and he almost seemed insane. God, I love insane..

"My place?" He asked. I shook my head and once again I walked behind him just a tad. He took me inside his apartment complex and to the elevator. He lived on the same floor as me, of course. We got to his floor and he took me to his door, number two twenty one. He opened the door and let me in first. He turned the light on and walked a head of me then. He slammed himself down on his huge couch. I followed and sat next to him. My eyes wanted to look over and stare at him... My hands wanted to strip him from his clothes... And my something else wanted to rape him like there was no tomorrow... I snapped myself out of it and my eyes found his xbox.

"What games do you have?" I asked. He anxiously got off his couch. He opened the TV stand that his nice plasma was sitting on. He motioned for me to get down there with him. So, I did. He had millions of games! I picked six out and we spent hours playing them. Brendon, having a major A.D.H.D condition, jumped around and stomped around whenever he could - mostly when I kicked his butt at something. He had taken off his green hoodie and the shirt he was wearing made him seem like a God! At around eight I got a little bored.

"Want to watch a movie? I gots million of those to." He said. I tried not to giggle when he said 'gots'. He was so adorable! I picked out The Chronicles of Riddick and he popped that in. I remember yawning and accidentally leaning onto him after Riddick was caught and thrown into a slam. I don't remember anything else - I must have fallen asleep on him!
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I feel like Ryan right now. -giggle- XDDDDDDDD