Learn How to Lie

April 22nd, 2005

Dear Journal,

I'm so sorry I haven't updated you in so long! I just been so busy doing stuff for Panic! At The Disco and Brendon and everything. Brendon made a myspace and we have a lot of fans so far - which is surprising! AND! AND! AND! Gueeeeeess what? Pete Wentz wants to sign us onto his record! So, we're flying down to Californa to play for him with a demo CD.

I've packed. Tomorrow we're going. This is so amazing. We're going to be in a band! A real band! And... I'll be with Brendon! For ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever...

Oh God, perhaps when we first start off we'll have to use a small van and watch each other change and wash ourselfs.... I could watch Brendon...

Okay, I have to go use the bathroom.

♠ ♠ ♠
8D Here's where the real fun begins folks.