Learn How to Lie

October 31st, 2005

I slowly applied my face pant. I made bats that got bigger on the way down my face. Brendon watched in awe and rambled on about how he's not good at stuff like this. I finished then checked it out. It looked good so I started to put the stuff away but Brendon grabbed my wrist.

"Can you do something on my face?" He asked anxiously. I smiled and made him sit down. I grabbed my black face crayon and worked. I moved close to him. I could feel his hot breath on my lips. I got distracted and looked into his dark eyes. He was so beautiful. I couldn't think; I could only stare. I wanted to pressed my lips to his but I knew better.

"Ryan? Ryan! Hello in there?" Brendon called, nudging my shoulder. I snapped out of it and continued working after assuring him I was okay. I finished his face. He told me fifty times that he loved it.

"You know... Sometimes it seems like you like me." He said randomly. I dropped a few crayons. My heart raced. He knows?! Am I that obvious?!

"Ew no, that's gross." I quickly lied. He looked at me for a while as I put my crayons away. Then he happily pranced off. I grabbed my chest in disbelief. He knows? Well... Maybe he likes me back? No. That can't be... He's so homophobic it isn't funny. I sighed. I'm losing it.
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How's the new layout?? I didn't like the old one...

Okay, I see I problem. There's 23 of yous and only one person keeps commenting. =/ What happened to the other 22? I'd like to know youz. :)