Learn How to Lie

November 5th, 2005

Today we're going back to the studio to keep recording our songs for our first CD, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. This will be the first time I will see or talk to Brendon since I confessed my love for him. And, I'm nervous as fuck. I got to the studio room and waited for the rest of the band to come. I fidgeted around. Finally, Spencer came and entertained me for a while. Jon came soon after. Where's Brendon? Doesn't matter. I was pulled into the recording room with my guitar and forced to play Lying Is The Most Fun... I closed my eyes. I visioned Brendon grinding up against me, sucking on my neck... Then he got on his knees and sucked something else. I snapped out of it, opening my eyes and looking towards the window. And, there he was bobbing his head to the beat that I was playing. I then messed up and stopped.

"Sorry..." I quickly said. The man messed with a few things then looked up through the window at me.

"It's okay. Start over." He said. I shook my head and let my eyes glance over at Brendon. He had his arms crossed over his perfect chest. His eyes flickered to mine fast but quickly fell back down. He smiled lightly then walked out of sight. I sighed and started strumming again. After the recording of that song I quickly went in search for Brendon. I couldn't find him and sat down in a random room. I had no clue where I even was. I sighed and leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I heard people walk in, one was talking. They sat down on either side of me. I picked my head up to find Brendon sitting close to me and Pete babbling on about something. I looked up and down Brendon's sexy body. He smiled and wrapped his right arm around my shoulder, pulling me to his chest. Oh, he smelled nice. Pete almost looked a little jealous. That's when I realized he was talking to me now.

"So, Ryan. You're a good guitarist... Wanna party sometime soon? You can bring Brendon if you want." He asked, it sounded like he growled the ending. I blinked a few times then shook my yes. I wonder who will all be at Pete's party. I know I'm bringing Brendon. How could I not? He will be the single most hottest person there. Like always. Pete smiled then rubbed my arm.

"I'm so looking forward to it." He said then winked and got up and left the room. I felt a shiver crack up my spine as I got the feeling that Pete likes me. Brendon pulled me too him some. I smiled, knowing that I didn't gross him out or anything. I looked up at him and he smiled. But, soon we were needed in recording.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yuck, Ryan/Pete

We'll seeeeeeeee what happens at that party.