Learn How to Lie

November 7th, 2005

Oh, I got the biggest hang over ever. Last night I made Ryan spill his guts out to me. He was so cute. I mean not in the gay way..

Okay, I have a confession to make. I've been thinking of Ryan the way he thinks of me. I don't like it. I'm not suppose to be gay. I'm suppose to have a beautiful wife and three hundred kids with her.. I don't like the way I've been thinking at all! How do I stop thinking like this? Can anyone help me with this? Please?!

Pete told me the other day that he liked Ryan. But, he wasn't sure if he should ask him out or not because he doesn't know if he's gay. I told him that I wasn't sure and that perhaps he should try flirting. Then, he comes up to me and Ryan while we were talking and totally interrupts! Ryan went with it. I got so pissed...

Oh! Ryan just knocked on my door and my heart skipped a beat - IS IT SUPPOSE TO DO THAT?! Well, I gotta go let him in and stuff.

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Requested. XP

How was everyone's All Hallows? <3 Mine was good.