Learn How to Lie

November 11th, 2005

We piled into the bus that had "Panic! At The Disco!" Written beautifully on it. Brendon helped me with my stuff as we threw it into the outside storage. We had already gotten a tour of the bus the other day. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

"Ryyyan. I still love you!" Texted Alex. I didn't reply to her text from a few days ago that had asked me how I was doing. I looked down at my phone in amazement. She still loves me? My heart stopped as I reminisced about the past. The way she kissed me. The way she said my name. I remember this one time we went out for a picnic and she put her hair in these curling pigtails and she wore this ultra pretty yellow sundress.

"Ryan! Hey! Get on the bus!" I snapped out of it and looked up. Spencer was motioning me on the bus. I looked around. I wouldn't be seeing this place for three whole months. I walked into the bus and went to the back - where the bunks were. I looked back down at Alex's text and my phone vibrated in my hand. I instantly looked at the new text.

"Will you ever take me back?" She asked. My heart fluttered. She wants to be my girlfriend again. My head started hurting a little; too many thoughts. Perhaps she didn't mean anything she said before. Perhaps she lied about cheating on me. Perhaps she really does love me still.
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Sorry it's so small.
Just thought you guys wanted another cliffhanger so... ;)