Learn How to Lie

February 5th, 2006

The rest of the tour went like that. As soon as I got both our shirts off, and we were already so hot and sweaty, his huffs ringing in my ears, our hands touching each other; caressing each other. Our tongues tangled and fingers knotting in each others hair. I'd suck or kiss or lick down his chest, perhaps lick his stiff nipples, then I'd continue my quest down Brendon's small, sexy, and long torso ( it makes me wonder what else of his is long ). But, as soon as my fingers touched his pants button he'd push me off and run away. I hated it. I absolutely hated it. Most of the time I'd just fall back down on the bed and start crying. I don't know why. I felt so stupid every time I shred a tear. I mean, it's quite obvious why something so god-like doesn't want me. I'm hideous. I'm truly am. I must look so plain when I stand next to him. His big round, light brown eyes, his bedhead-ish hair... His slender figure. I shook the dirty thoughts of him out of my head. I just don't get why he runs away. I know some part of him wants it. I mean, when we're on stage. . . I leave him alone, but he's constantly rubbing and grinding against me. Touching me, huffing in my ear, kissing me. . .

Ugh! Stop it! I groaned. And, watched out the window of the bus. The famliar streets now passing by. Today we were all to be separated. The tour was over. The CD was going to be released next month. I probably wont be hearing from Brendon either. I wont be surprised if he quits the band. I seeped into my deep depression again. I choked back tears and looked down at myself. Am I really that unlovable?! First Alex. Now, Brendon too!? I bit my lip. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry! I continued to look out the window. I'd soon be home. All alone. Then, I would break down.

Soon enough, that time came. I got out of the bus, after gathering my things and saying by to everyone. Of course, Brendon got off too. He gave me a big glomp before heading off into his apartment complex. I sighed and loomed into mine. I sheepishly reached my door. I already was starting to feel the tears stinging my eyes and the complete loneliness - I missed my drug already - Brendon. I unlocked my door with my key and slammed it open. With my eyes on the floor I walked in. I didn't even take two steps in when I was blasted with someone else's body weight. Silly - My first thought was Brendon, but that couldn't be possible. I looked at the person who was now pressing their sweet and soft lips to mine.


My whole world was turned upside down. My instant reaction was to drop my luggage; which I did. Then, I wrapped my arms around her small frame and pulled her to me more. My lips quickly pressed against hers again. I smothered her in kisses; her lips, her cheeks, her neck. . .

"I've missed you so much," she finally whispered onto my lips. Her fingers ran through my hair. I stared into her eyes deeply, only seeing me stare back. She continued to whisper onto my lips. How much she's been wanting me. . . I groaned and scooped her up in my arms. It was easy - she was so figgin' skinny. I took her to my bedroom. I dropped her down onto my bed, gently. I crawled over her. Kissing her so hard, so wantfully, yearning. I made love to her soft, tasteful, tiny body. Afterwords, we both fell asleep. She stayed cuddled to my side.

The next morning I woke up cramped. I opened my eyes to realize I was tied up. My hands tied behind my back, knees to my chest, ankles tied together. My mouth had a over taped gag. My eyes widened and started to sting as the tears turned on. All I could see was black. Where am I?! Is Alex okay?!
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