Learn How to Lie

February 6th, 2006

I hung up with the phone with Spencer. I wanted to get our friends together to celebrate the holidays with. But, everyone I talked too so far had plans with their loved ones. I sighed. Perhaps I'll take Ryan somewhere. Early Valentines thing. My heart fluttered slightly thinking about him. I sighed, imagining his sad face every time I pulled away from him when he was getting into it. Well, It's not like I don't enjoy it. I do. A lot. It's just. I'm a little afraid and sex goes against my morals. I'm suppose to wait until I'm married to sleep with anyone. Though, his touch is very tempting. I bit my lip and picked my phone up again, dialing his number. It rang. And, rang. And, rang. Finally, I was put on voicemail.

"Hey Ryan! I miss you so much. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go somewhere today. Like.. A date. But, it seems as if your not home. Catch ya later. Bye." I sighed and put down the phone. Something didn't feel right. I went to my window and looked out it to his. The curtains were open but the lights were out. I strained my eyes to look into it. It almost looked like his suitcases were still by the door but knowing Ryan there would be no way he'd be so... lazy? I don't know. I felt funny suddenly but ignored it. I went on with my day. But, at six I tried calling him again and still got no answer. I looked over in the window. Nothing has changed. Where is he? I called Spencer and Jon then to see if they have heard from him since we got back and they both said no. I started to feel worried again. I sighed. Tomorrow morning I'll go over there and see if he's home. I sat down at my desk and started surfing the web and stuff. I went on our myspace. We were getting a shit load of fans. . .


I quickly got dressed and looked out my window. Still, nothing has changed. Though, I could be wrong. I then quickly left. I swiftly turned and went to the elevator then to the lobby then outside. I took in a breath and almost sprinted to the other apartment complex and to their elevator. My heart raced. What if he died?! And, he was just laying there dead or something!? I quickly pressed the button as more and more possibilities raided my mind. I bit my lip. As soon as the elevator doors opened I was gone and half way down the hallway. Soon, I found his door. I reached into my pocket. Ryan gave me one of his spare keys and quickly unlocked the door. I hurriedly entered and shut the door behind me.

"Ryan?" I called out only to hear it faintly echoed back to me. I gulped and looked around his living room, walking around his luggage. I stopped dead in my tracks, staring at his big living room wall. Scratched into it in big letters was, "dead". Tears flooded my eyes as I croaked out Ryan's precious name again. I turned around and even now in my blurry eyes a piece of paper on his fridge caught my eye. I stumbled into his kitchen. In cutout magazine letters was the message:

"I have him and her."

I gulped and turned around again. Her? I noticed a purse on his couch then. I pulled out my cell phone and called 911. I don't know how they understood me as I wailed out all the information they needed to come here to investigate. I told them I think Ryan and some girl were kidnapped. It didn't take them long at all to get here. I let them in. A lot of men came. Two regular cops stood by me, trying to get more information as the swat (or something, I don't know ) looked around the house. Jon and Spencer came here, they both looked like they cried a little when they found out about Ryan.

"Brendon, come on. You need to get out of here." Spencer ordered. I shook my head and gripped onto Ryan's couch. I didn't want to leave. I just wanted Ryan. Jon sighed and grabbed my arm and forced me out of the room. He told me that we were staying at his house, we has Spencer and I and cops were going to keep an eye on us. They think whoever stole Ryan was after the whole band. Once at Jon's I collapsed on his couch. Spencer shoved a box of tissues in my hands and Jon kept a firm hand on my shoulder.

Ryan. . .