Learn How to Lie

February 6th, 2006

I woke up in the same position that I've been sitting in. I found out last night, before I fainted, that I'm sitting in a small space, barely enough room for me in here. I listened. Like last night, there was a bad case of ringing silence. I hated it. My head hurt a little. I took a big breath in through my nose, since my mouth was closed off. I tried not to cry but that didn't work. Oh, Brendon! I never got to say goodbye! I love you, man. I started crying hard. I wonder if anyone knew that Alex and I are missing. Probably not. Who gives a damn about me anyway? Oh! Alex! Where are you? I started banging against the walls - perhaps she was in the same predicament as me. Perhaps she'll know it's me. . . That's when I heard what seemed like a car pulling into a driveway. I froze as my eyes grew wide - though I couldn't see anything. Could it be someone to rescue us or it is the person who stole us? I heard two car doors slam and jumped, hitting my aching head on the roof of this thing I'm in and groaned. I heard a door open and closed as two sets of footsteps were walking around. I heard low mumbling but couldn't make anything out.

"This is him, right?" Asked a deep, raspy voice. I gulped. There was this loud bang, and within a millisecond I felt the pain of it. I screamed out in pain and shock, only to have it muffled. I looked down at my arm, where the bullet had hit. I heard a gasp, not from the man with the raspy voice that just shot me.

"Jared! Why did you do that?" That voice asked. My eyes widened again. Alex! I started moving around, banging on the small tight walls, hurting my arm. But, it was worth it. Alex! I tried calling out to her but any noise I made was muffled. Someone kicked the wall.

"Stay still! Do you want me to shoot you again?" Screamed the raspy voice which I now called Jared. I froze and looked out the peep hole that the bullet made for me. I couldn't see Jared but I could see Alex. She looked fine. Actually, she looked more beautiful then ever. He hasn't.... Hurt her?

"Jared, you know I wanted to torture him, now I'll have to do that soon before he bleeds to death," Alex said lightly as if she had been torturing guys right have sleeping with them her whole life. I felt my eyes get watery. The pain in my heart outnumbered the pain in my arm. She wanted to torture me? Why? Alex! My sweet Alex! How could she? I almost felt disoriented. There's no way. Perhaps she was tricking him. Perhaps.

"Just do it now," Jared cooed. He walked into view. He had the longish, stringy, dirty blond hair and a scruffy face. He was sorta tall and sorta muscular but he indeed looked like a badass. He wrapped his almost tan arm around Alex's petite waist and she smiled as he leaned down and pressed his disturbing lips to her sweet tasting ones. I felt vomit arise in my stomach. I wanted to puke. That was absolutely disgusting. How could she kiss such a thing?
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Ooo, twist.
I bet no one was expecting that. XD
I wasn't actually either. =\