Learn How to Lie

February 3rd, 2005

Dear Journal,

Last night the man across the alley away was out on his balcony. Perhaps he couldn't sleep. After I noticed him staring off into space I walked over to the window and knocked on it. His attention was at me so I smiled and waved. He did the same back. I laid down on the bench the was attached to the wall/window. After about thirty minutes of staring up at the starless sky I was tired! I got back up and waved bye to him then went to my room and laid down and fell asleep. I actually had a dream about No Name. He was so...

Cute. Yeah, I said it. He's cute! No, I'm not gay! I don't like guys.... But, I have noticed I've been looking at some guys differently. Maybe I'm bi. Alex, my girlfriend of a nice whole year is... Not doing it for me. I feel bad about saying this but...

I don't love her anymore. I also feel bad that I have to tell her this a week before Valentine's Day. Oh, it's a week before Valentine's Day! I am so mean! I hope she understands! Okay, well I need to go look for a real job. So, I'll see you soon!

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry these are so short. I just want to update this daily. Let's see if I can actually do that XD
And for a heads up, not all of the chapters will be just in their Journals/blog. I think I might throw in a couple conversations or so.