Learn How to Lie

February 7th, 2006

I sat there, chained up, with a burlap sack over my head. I leaned against a wall, groaning. I ached so bad from the verbal abuse, the slaps, the punches, the kicks, the cuts, the burns, the getting shot at, and most of all seeing Alex kiss Jared. I listened to the silence, making sure there was perfect silence in the room that I was in. I knew the car had pulled away but I wasn't sure if I was really alone. I waited there for five more minutes before hunching over, my ribs felt like they were crunching together. I gasped for the rotten air that I had in the sack. I lifted my hands as far as they would go, grabbing the sack and violently pulling it off. Finally, I could see again.

I saw that I was in a little shed, a window directly above me. I looked around, I was chained to a big metal cabinet that was most likely locked. There were metal book cases things everywhere, filled with cans and rusted, bloody saws and other sharp objects. There was a metal, dirty, bloody table in the middle of the room. Bloody chains hanged off. That's when I noticed a arm hanging over it too, looked like a woman's. The blood on her gray skin was scabbed. I took a breath, the air in here smelled worse then the burlap sack. I felt tears sting my eyes. I am going to die.

There was no way around that statement. I started crying hard, my tears thick. I cried for myself, for that poor woman on the table, for Brendon, for the fans. I hung my head, my neck cracking in dry agony. The tears stopped, my body not being able to anymore. My mouth was like the sierra desert. That's when I saw the bulge in my pocket. My cell phone! I pushed myself down onto the dirt floor - which was absolutely disgusting - and pulled it out of my pocket. It was off, that was how I kept my phone - I only used it when I needed it. I turned it on and waited until I could use it. I quickly dialed the first phone number that popped into my head.

"Ryan! Where are you?" He gasped within two seconds after his cell phone rang. I felt the tears that I couldn't cry make my eyes wet again. His voice. It was so beautiful. If only if I could see him again.

"Brendon, I'm so scared," I whispered, now sobbing. I started to hyperventilate, hurting my ribs doing so. My spine and arm hurt worse as I hunched over and held the phone to my ear.

"It's going to be okay, Ryan. Thank you so much for calling me. The FBI are tracking your call as we speak. We are going to get you out of there. Have they hurt you?" Brendon said, his voice broke almost at every sentence, he was also speaking so fast. It made me a bit dizzy. I sat there for a minute to be able to understand everything he said.

"Yes...," I groaned, my whole body now screaming as I put a focus on it. I groaned again in despair. The pain was unbelievable. How can I feel this bad after one day? I couldn't imagine what that woman had went through before she was murdered. She probably wanted to die. I shivered and groaned again from the sudden movement.

"Alex," I gasped then. "She's a part of this. With this man named Jared," There was a pause. I think I could hear Spencer in the background screaming at someone. I was about to ask what was wrong when I heard Brendon break out into a desolate cry. My lip quivered as tears fell onto my ripped and dirty pants.

"Brendon," I whispered. There was no hope. I knew it. I'm going to die, just like that woman. I'm never going to see Brendon, or Jon, or Spencer again. I'm never going to be able to play on stage again. Panic! At the disco was done for. Life was over for me. I'm not religious person, but please God - help me.
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Is he going to be murdered?