Learn How to Lie

February 9th, 2005


Guess what? I asked Ryan to meet me somewhere today! He looked a little surprised. I said to meet me at Book 'n' Bean, it's a small cafe down the street. He looked down then told me he had no clue where that was. I had forgotten that he had just moved here. So, I told him to wait in the lobby of his apartment complex. We agreed to meet there last night. It's 11 AM and he still hasn't moved the curtain off of that big window of his. I should probably start getting ready. I'm meeting him at twelve.

Perhaps there will be group of good looking ladies that him and I can pick up. I wonder what his beliefs are. Wouldn't it be strange if he was a Mormon like me? Probably not though. I haven't met a Mormon since I moved out of my parents house. I really don't care if he isn't. Hopefully, he wont be all like: You're not in the same religion as me! Go away!

I hate people like that. I really do. Whoa, okay! I need to go! I'm still in my PJ's and I haven't done ANYTHING.


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I tried adding the day into the date of the title but it just looked bad. If for some reason you want to know the day, ask. I'll be more then happy to tell you.

Comments please? D8