Learn How to Lie

February 10th, 2005

Dear Journal,

Yesterday was amazing! Brendon is just so dreamy. The only bad part about yesterday was when I broke down (and when we finally left). Though, it did get him to sit very close to me. Which was nice. I found out a lot about him. And, if he was listening, he found out a lot about me. Which surprised me, I don't usually say much when I meet someone new. Perhaps it was because I feel like I've known Brendon since forever. I think we clicked very well. And, currently... He's my only friend. I told him about my band, "Panic!". He was very interested.

I'm the lead singer, guitarist, lyricist, and I do the keyboards. I remember how Brendon raised his eyebrows and made a really cute face when I told him that. He thought that was a lot of work for just one member to be doing and suggested to help with something. I asked him if he could sing something for me and he did. He sounded wonderful! He said he had taken singing lessons, though he is still convinced that he can't sing at all. So, we were thinking that maybe sometime this week I could call Jon and Spencer and see if they also liked Brendon. It'd be nice... Having Brendon in the band.

I can just picture him running around on stage and singing, getting all sweaty...


I'm going to go.. Do something.


♠ ♠ ♠
I know that they had Brent before they had Jon. But, I didn't feel like doing that... >>
(And, I kind of changed a few things around the way I want them :3 )

D8 Why isn't anyone commenting???