Learn How to Lie

February 11th, 2005

Hey. Guess what? I'm in a band! I'm the lead singer to a band titled Panic! Will any of your guys listen and be my fans? 'Cuz we're going to need fans! Tonight I'm going to... Spencer's? Yeah, Spencer's house again and we're going to practice some more. I'm going to ask Ryan if he'd like to go somewhere with me on Valentine's Day. Not in the gay way - gross! I think it'll help him get his mind off Alex, ya know? Alex is his ex. They had a horrible break up. Perhaps a movie? Well.. That might not be the best place to go cuz couples would be making out. Maybe... We could stay at my place and just hang. I just feel bad. He's such a nice guy and he's hurting inside. I know I only just met him but still. I think of him as a very good friend already.

Hopefully, he thinks the same. I don't want to be forcing him to do anything he doesn't want to do. Oh, what if he doesn't like me at all? What if he thinks I'm this huge jerk that's really full of him self. Or some ADHD crack baby or something?!

Okay, I'm over doing it. Well, I have to go get ready for practice.

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