On the Path of Insanity


“Everything to you is useless no matter what I do your never satisfied!”

Alejandra shouted to her mother only to be ignored.

“It is because you can never do anything right. If you took something serious for once maybe I would take you seriously. Until you try acting your age I will never take you seriously.” Mrs. Castillo shouted.

Alejandra rolled her eyes at her mother's ranting.

“Yeah and what do people my age do?” Alejandra asked with venom

“For starters they don’t dress that way!” she yelled with distaste in her voice.

“Mother this is the twenty-first century nowadays people don’t care what others think.

“Oh that is what you think Alejandra but that’s not it and you know it!” Mrs. Castillo. Alejandra once again rolled her eyes at her mother who gave her a stern look.
“Well I wish to make a statement directed at people like you. If you don’t like me for the way I dress too bad so sad since I don’t like you either.” Alejandra smirked and headed out the door.

“Come back here young lady I’m not done with you!” Her prissy annoying mother screamed.

Alejandra felt like slitting someone’s throat and she wasn’t kidding. She had other things to worry about other than her mother’s bickering 24/7. She didn’t even know what kind of fool her mother was taking her for. Did her mother really think that she was going to listen and obey like a good little pet? She wasn’t Alexandria, her older sister who was now married and enjoying a luxurious high class society. No way would Alejandra be like that, yes they were rolling in money but it meant nothing to her. She wouldn’t take any of their money and made her money herself by her part-time job. Alejandra’s mother had always thought that she could buy her but they were dead wrong. All the money in the world couldn’t buy her. It didn’t always last forever, it sometimes turned around and bit you in the ass. She was smarter than that. She wouldn’t rely on money that could make her as useless as a newborn pup if is suddenly disappeared. Alejandra’s mother came rushing out the doors yelling something.

“I’m not done with you! Get back here you aren’t an adult yet! You don’t even act seventeen!” She shouted after the young teenager who ignored her

mother and kept walking.

Alejandra reached the cemetery twenty minutes later. She wasn’t a weirdo who hung out at graveyards, she was there to meet someone who lived in the graveyard. She set down a red rose and sat down in front of her grandmother’s grave.

“Sorry I haven’t visited you sooner Granma. It’s still better than not visiting you at all like a certain daughter of yours” Alejandra said lovingly and made a prayer for her grandmother.

Her grandmother had been really loving and caring.
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I know this one is boring but wait....