You Never Looked So Scandalous

While on the last legs of Warped Tour, Gabe and William start to unravel themselves and each other. Let the scandal ensue.
  1. Chapter 1: Almost Here Again
    It was a plane ride...
  2. Chapter 2: A Kiss We Won't Miss
    Holy ***, I am kissing Gabe Saporta.
  3. Chapter 3: Upside Down and Inside Out
    Was I actually about to do this? Was I really about to compromise our friendship in one moment in the back of a ***ing cab?...Damn it.
  4. Chapter 4: The Academy Is...Sexually Involved
    This was going places. Bad places. Those are my favorite kind of places.
  5. Chapter 5: The Collision of Your Kiss
    I’m so head over heels, I’m using clichés and shitty pick-up lines. It was undeniable. I. Was. In. Love.
  6. Chapter 6: Melt Your Headaches
    All I could think was 'I love you. I love you. You're perfect. I love you.'
  7. Chapter 7: Too Fast For Love