Stare at My Reflection


Wesllie slumped down onto the seat with a big sigh. She looked around at the small compartment as she felt the train take off for it's destination. Of all the people she had been chosen to be head girl this year, her last year at Hogwarts.

The small door slid open startling her. Curious to know who the head boy was, she glanced over. Standing in the doorway was Draco Malfoy.

"Wonderful", she muttered under her breath.

"Mudblood", Draco sneered as he plopped himself down in the seat across from Wesllie.

Neither of them said anything for the next few minutes, but Wesllie just couldn't take the awkward silence anymore. She sat thinking of what to say for a few more minutes when finally she blurted out, "So.. uh- You're head boy?".

"No shit, Wolfe ".

Wesllie sighed and gave up on trying to make conversation. I mean Draco was a cold hearted bastard, why was she trying to talk to him anyway?

After what felt like years of sitting on the train they had finally arrived at Hogwarts, the one place Wesllie had always felt at home. A barely noticeable smiled crept onto her face, but apparently Draco had noticed this because he said, "Why are you so happy Wolfe? Oh, right, I forgot, you like being at Hogwarts". He gave her a disgusted look as he pushed passed her making his way off the train.

After the big dinner in the Great Hall, Wesllie curled up on the couch in front of the fire in the common room of the head boy and head girl dorm. Draco appeared in front of her.

"What do you want Malfoy?"

'"I want you to go to your room and stay there 'til morning. I've got a girl coming over and I need the couch."

"No way! I was here first! Go find another place to shag Mal-foy."

"UGH! Damn Mudblood", Draco hissed clearly pissed by having his plans ruined. He stomped off to his room and slammed the door hard enough for the walls to shake. Wesllie smiled to herself enjoying making the little ferret mad. She laid on the couch for another couple of hours just watching the fire burn, when she yawned. It was 1:00 am. She decided she'd better get some sleep and headed off into her room. It was gorgeous, a king size bed, huge windows where she could gaze out at the moon, and a large bathroom connected just for her. It beat the hell out of having to share a bathroom with all the other girls in Hogwarts.

Wesllie walked into the bathroom stripping off her clothes, turning around to lock the door in the process. But when she turned around there he was, Draco was standing at the sink staring right at her breasts, that were now exposed. She screamed.

"What are you doing in my bathroom Malfoy?", Wesllie yelled. she quickly covered as much of her exposed flesh as she could.

Draco smirked, "Well, this happens to be both of our bathrooms, fatty".

She backed out of the room in shock, not at having stripped in front of Draco. No, that word kept ringing in her ears. Fatty..? She was FAT? She glanced at herself in the floor length mirror. She had never thought of herself as skinny, but fat.. that was new. At 5'3" and 137 lbs she was definitely not the skinniest girl in school, but she had never really paid that much attention to her weight, and no one had ever pointed it out either. As she stared at her stomach she could see the lumps underneath her skin, and her thighs rubbed together when she walked. Disgusted with herself she turned away, put her night clothes on, and climbed into bed still with Draco's words running through her mind.

Well, this happens to be both of our bathrooms, fatty.
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This is my first fanfiction ever, so I hope you all like it. :]