Stare at My Reflection

Secret Glances

Wesllie yawned as the sunlight streamed in through a big window. It was the first day of classes. As she realized this she let out an irritated groan and headed into her- their bathroom to take a shower. After making sure she was alone this time, she locked her door and the one leading into Draco's room. Just as she was about to step into the shower she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and the events of the night before came crashing down, all she could hear was Draco's voice saying fatty over and over again. Quickly turning away from the mirror she doused herself in scalding hot water. Silently tears started to stream down her face to get lost in the water pooling at her feet. She began scrubbing herself raw as if somehow she could scrub all of the fat away and she could be pretty for once in her life.

She decided to skip breakfast, because every time she even thought about food, she pictured what she looked like standing in front of the mirror, roll after roll of fat. Disgusting.

Wesllie sighed as she made her way to the dungeons for double potions with Slytherin. "Just what I need, spending all morning with Draco, as if I don't get enough of him in our dorm", she muttered to herself. She sat down in a seat near the back. She never had been good at answering question when called on, so she chose to sit in a place where she was less noticeable.

On the board in front of the room was written Pg. 112 and nothing else, so Wesllie got out her Advanced Potion-Making textbook and turned to the page as directed, then waited for the class to begin.

Someone plopped down in the seat beside her, so she turned around to see who it was. Harry was smiling brightly, it was the first time they had seen each other since school gotten out for summer. "Hey Wes!", his cheerful voice rang in her ears.

"Hey Harry, long time no see. How was your summer?"

"Oh, it was good. Spent the whole summer with the Weasley's. What about yours?"

"Wonderful", she replied. Of course this was a lie. Over the summer her brother, Darius, had been killed. He'd been driving in one of the muggle cars, when from out of nowhere this horse ran straight into the side, killing him instantly. It'd be kind of funny if it hadn't been her brother. Now it was eating away at her, because there was no way she'd let herself vent to someone. Her parents had always taught her to keep things inside, because no one wanted to hear her blubbering nonsense. So when she was all alone, she'd cry. Sometimes she couldn't even stop for hours, but it was her only escape. A picture of Darius was in her trunk back in her room. She'd brought it just in case his memory started to fade and she couldn't remember what he looked like anymore. It was one of her greatest fears. Darius had been her best friend and without him, she was just a mess.

"I assume you have all turned to page 112 in your textbooks", Professor Snape's voice silenced all the chatter. "Today you will all be reading and taking notes on chapters 6 - 8. Then I expect you to write an essay one each chapter explaining what you've learned. Due at the end of class. Go!" Snape's greasy black hair hung over his face as he talked, somehow managing to look at each student in the eye. When Wesllie stared into his eyes a shiver shot down her spine, so she looked away.

Half way finished with her first essay Wesllie finally allowed herself a small break. As her eyes scanned the room they somehow became fixed on blonde head of hair on the other side of the classroom.

Draco was working very hard on his essay, she could tell by the little crease in his forehead and how tight he gripped his Quill. [Fatty] She shook her head and snapped out of it going back to work on her own essay.

The rest of the classes passed pretty fast and she didn't have to see Draco anymore that day, until dinner at least. Wesllie walked to her table in the Great Hall and sat down next to the Golden Trio aka Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Ron was stuffing his face like always while Harry and Hermione carried on a conversation between bites.

"Wes!" Hermione gasped, then squeezed her until she couldn't breathe.

"Hey Herms. What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing just trying to enlighten these two, you know, the usual" she said gesturing to Harry and Ron.

Wesllie nodded and glanced around at the food. She blushed as her stomach growled loud enough for the trio to hear.

"Man, Wes, when's the last time you ate?", Ron asked while trying not to laugh.

"I ate this morning", she shot back for some reason, defensive.

Ron shrugged and went back to stuffing his face.

"You know, I think I'm just going to go to bed. I'm exhausted.", Wesllie said as she picked up five crackers.

"Okay.. see ya later, Wes!", they all said together.

She made her way back to her room, then sat on the bed. She carefully laid the crackers out in front of her and stared at them for a while. Finally, she broke them all into halves, then fourths. Finally she was satisfied with the small pieces of crackers. She ate each one very slowly, trying to ignore the annoying voice still in her head. [Fatty. Fatty. Fatty.]

When she was finished, she was still hungry, but she ignored it. Instead she changed into her night clothes and went to sit by the fire in the common room. A few minutes later Draco came in.

"Hey Mudblood, why'd you leave dinner so early?"

"I didn't feel too well", was all she said, then closed her eyes.

Draco was a little confused as to why she didn't make a snide remark, but he left her alone anyway, heading up to his room.

Wesllie fell asleep to the sound of the fire crackling and running water as Draco took a shower.
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Here's chapter two. Enjoy!

Oh and since it's not letting me italicize words, I'm just going to put everything that little voice inside Wesllie's head says to her in brackets.