Stare at My Reflection

Crying Is For The Weak

Wesllie yawned and squinted her eyes. For a second she didn't know where she was, but her surroundings became more clear as she remembered falling asleep on the couch the night before. Heavy footsteps sounded down the stairs, a moment later Draco's blonde hair and famous smirk appeared.

"Sleep well mudblood?", his voice sarcastic.

"Fine thanks", she replied matching his tone.

"Didn't think a couch could be comfortable"

"Guess you've never tried sleeping on one"

Draco didn't reply, because she was right. He had never slept on a couch. Wesllie, however, had slept in plenty of odd places. After her brother had hit that horse, he was on life support in ICU. She had clung to the hope of him recovering with all she had. So every single night, she'd stay at the hospital, sleeping wherever was possible when she couldn't possibly hold her eyes open anymore.

Draco was a little taken back when Wesllie's arrogant expression suddenly turned to one filled with heartbreak and despair. He wondered what she was thinking about, what had filled her eyes up with so much hurt that he wanted to hold her and make it all better.

And just like that the look was gone.

Wesllie came out of her flashback to have Draco's eyes staring at her.

"What are you looking at Malfoy?"

"Uh, nothing" And with that he walked away, embarrassed that he had been caught staring.

Wesllie sighed and forced herself off the couch. She was so exhausted from lack of food. Then as if on cue her stomach let out the biggest rumble she had ever heard. Pushing the hunger aside, she got dressed and headed for the Great Hall. Before she even got there she could smell the food. Freshly baked bread, the overpowering sent of bacon and sausage, eggs, pancakes, waffles, muffins, pretty much any breakfast food you could think of. She moaned as she walked in. She walked to the end of one of the tables and picked up a cinnamon roll that was still warm. She went to take a bite...

"Hey Tubby! Do you really think you need that?"

Wesllie knew the voice. Draco. Of course.

She threw the cinnamon roll down as if it were toxic. Tears sprung to her eyes, she couldn't breathe. She wasn't even thinking as she ran from the Great Hall. She ran and ran until her feet just couldn't move anymore. Slipping to the ground behind a marble statue, she covered her face and cried. Cried harder than she ever had before, like everything she had ever held inside just came crashing down on her at once.

When she was too exhausted to even muster up a sigh, she just laid there. It could have been hours or days, there was no comprehension of time. But she knew she wasn't going to let him win. Draco would not get that satisfaction. No, she was going to prove him wrong and everyone else, but most of all she as going to prove to herself that she had willpower, that she was strong.

When she finally pushed herself up off the floor it was dark outside. Was it the same day? She hoped so, if it wasn't, people would be looking for her. She had already missed a full day of classes.

While trudging up the stairs to her and Draco's dorm, she noticed no one was in the halls. What time was it? It must be past curfew, she guessed. She quietly said the password that would let her into the common room, then shrieked. A hand had grabbed her and was now clamping itself over her mouth.

"Relax, Wolfe, it's just me", Draco's voice rang in her ears.

She found herself relaxing as the hand was removed.

"You scared me", was all she said, tears threatening to spill onto her cheek, but she wouldn't let them. Crying was now forbidden. Only weak people cried, and she was NOT weak.

"Where have you been? All your little mudblood friends were freaking out, because they hadn't seen you"

"Oh, um, nowhere", she cursed under her breath when she couldn't think up a good excuse fast enough.

Draco looked at her annoyed. "Whatever, Wolfe, if you don't want to tell me, I don't really give a shit."

Wesllie's face remained it's cold mask that she formed when she wasn't letting herself cry. Draco 'hmphed' and stormed off clearly annoyed she wouldn't tell him where she had been. She wondered why he even cared.

Draco shut his door behind him still feeling guilty at what he had said to Wesllie earlier. He had to do it though. His ruthless reputation was at stake, and she was an easy target. His mind flashed back to Wesllie's face when she had run out of the Great Hall. He wasn't sure, but he thought he had seen tears falling from her eyes, and just now when she had come into the common room her eyes were red and swollen like she had been crying. His heart sank. He didn't know why he was having these feelings for a mudblood, but he was. Frustrated with his feelings, Draco got in bed and tried to fall asleep, but Wesllie's face just kept finding it's way into his head.